July 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jul 1 11:22:54 SAST 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 15:51:34 SAST 2015
Messages: 124
- [Irtalk] SUNScholar/Disaster Recovery/Backups/Local - Libopedia
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Guest Book Review: Disaster Planning for Libraries: Process and Guidelines | The Scholarly Kitchen
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] TDM reaches fever pitch | Semantico
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The case against the journal article | THE HONEST BROKER
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Pathfinder projects point the way to effective OA implementation | Jisc
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The era of IT-as-a-roadblock must come to an end right now - TechRepublic
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Call for Expressions of Interest in hosting OR2017 - OR Steering Committee - DuraSpace Wiki
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Dutch universities start their Elsevier boycott plan | Univers
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] cayfer-BLOG » DSPACE & Pseudo Streaming & Seeking into unloaded video
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [Dspace-tech] DSpace, OJS and SWORD
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [IFLA-IT] TILT Newsletter, July 2015
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Secure Open Access to Taxpayer-Funded Research | EFF Action Center
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Open Content Licensing: A Three-Step Guide for Academics | UCT IP Unit
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Dutch boycott of Elsevier – a game changer? | Unlocking Research
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Impact of Social Sciences – How can universities increase Green Open Access? Article deposit rates soar after direct solicitation from library.
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Dutch boycott of Elsevier – a game changer? | Unlocking Research
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] The Uncoordinated Potential of Libraries to Achieve Open Access Now: How the Transition to Open Access Could be Accelerated by Libraries Working Together | Gutknecht | 027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur / Journal for Library Culture
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] PKP Launches New Open Access Publishing Cooperative Study | Public Knowledge Project
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] EIFL joinds Advisory Board of new OA Publishing Cooperative Study
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] What do early-career researchers think about open access? | eLife
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] My thoughts on #OpenAccess and libraries | FromMelbin
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Invitation: HELIG Webinar on Library User Experience, 27th July 2015 |
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [WEB4LIB] Artefactual Systems becomes the newest member of the Open Preservation Foundation
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] New Video: Digital Privacy: An Introduction to HTTPS | LJ INFOdocket
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] SUNScholar upgrade from DSpace 4.2 to 5.2 using the XMLUI and Mirage 2 theme
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] SUNScholar upgrade from DSpace 4.2 to 5.2 using the XMLUI and Mirage 2 theme
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Opportunity from UCT for continuing professional development
Ingrid Thomson
- [Irtalk] FW: Academy of Science of South Africa July Newsletter 2015
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] NDLTD Announces Global Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Search
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Research papers will be free to access, eventually – Nature’s Philip Campbell | Horizon Magazine - European Commission
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] ASSAf – Science for Society – eNewsletter » » South African scholarly journal landscape demonstrates growth in Open Access
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] "Scholarly Communication as a Core Competency: Prevalence, Activities, " by Craig Finlay, Andrew Tsou et al.
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Free UKSG webinar - Altmetrics for Librarians: a publisher dashboard, a university use case | UKSG
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [EIFL-OA] NDLTD Announces Global Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Search
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Putting together the pieces of the puzzle: Africa and the Middle East | ORCID
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Evidence-Driven Decisions on Library Space in the Digital Age: A Workshop at the Northumbria Conference Registration, Edinburgh | Eventbrite
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Open Access articles keep getting read over time
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] A better term for "scholarly communication"?
Allison Fullard
- [Irtalk] A better term for "scholarly communication"?
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] A better term for "scholarly communication"?
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] 30+ papers flagged because editors may have "subverted the peer review process" with fake accounts - Retraction Watch at Retraction Watch
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The Archival Advantage: Integrating Archival Expertise into Management of Born-digital Library Materials
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Registering Researchers in Authority Files
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] SAScholar
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] iNQUIRE | Not just search. Research.
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] New webinar: The metadata round trip | ORCID
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] There are powerful currents whipping up the metric tide. The HEFCE metrics report
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Library involvement in the publishing landscape | Stockholm University Press Blog
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Open Access policy effectiveness: A briefing paper for research institutions
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] BeerBrarian: I Got Soul, But I'm Not a Soldier: On "a quiet culture war in libraries"
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] A quiet culture war in research libraries – and what it means for librarians, researchers and publishers
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] 5 open source collaborative text editors | Opensource.com
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Metrics: how to handle them responsibly | Times Higher Education
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Riding the waves of the Metric Tide | Altmetric.com
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Data infrastructure key to the quality and impact of UK research | Jisc
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Universities ‘decolonize’ their courses and campuses: Goar | Toronto Star
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: FW: ASSAf to launch an online journal management system for SciELO SA journal titles
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Automating IR updates: The University of Florida and Elsevier answer questions about their institutional repository pilot project
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Cornell University Library eCommons
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Cornell University Library eCommons
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Nigerian Open Data Access: This innovation of FUTA students is the next best thing
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] IFLA Digitisation Workshop, 12 August 2015
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: FW: [CODESRIA News] Call for participation - 4th CODESRIA Open Access Conference
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Invitation to webinars on ORCID (digital researcher ID) for Authors, Editors and Publishers within a South African scholarly journal context
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [WEB4LIB] veraPDF consortium issues first public software release
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [Dspace-tech] Checker keys missing in translation files XMLUI DSpace
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The Code4Lib Journal – Barriers to Initiation of Open Source Software Projects in Libraries
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The Code4Lib Journal – A Novel Open Source Approach to Monitor EZproxy Users’ Activities
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] [EIFL-all] EIFL Newsletter July - August 2015
Andrius Krisciunas
- [Irtalk] DSHR's Blog: Be Careful What You Wish For
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] UN readies tool to widen science and tech access - SciDev.Net
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Digital Futures
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] One Instructional Philosophy to Unite Them All | ACRLog
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fourth CODESRIA Conference on Electronic Publishing / CODESRIA
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Hesburgh Libraries receive largest gift in history from Navari Foundation // News // Notre Dame News // University of Notre Dame
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Roy Tennant's The Library Trifecta: Collaboration, Innovation, and Empowerment keynote video & slides available
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Life after life: academic legacies | Times Higher Education
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] The Next Librarian of Congress — The Message — Medium
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] CWUR | Center for World University Rankings
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] SUNScholar Mirage2 theme on Github
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] SUNScholar/Customisation/Developers - Libopedia
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Teaching Altmetric: new training materials available! | Altmetric.com
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Grappling with a plagiarism problem in universities (Mozambique)
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [EIFL-OA] New Webinar at AIMS 28th of July: "DSpace: Maximizing the impact of institutional knowledge"
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [IFLA-L] IFLA response to the United Nations Financing for Development “Addis Ababa Action Agenda”
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [IFLA-L] Alexandria Special Issue Call for Papers
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] A new open access policy in international development - BioMed Central blog
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Thinking about Internet Scale | The Scholarly Kitchen
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Training manual for Altmetric
Charlie Molepo
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [GOAL] Emerald Group Publishing tests ZEN, increases prices: what does it mean?
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] New OJS & OMP look and feel to come!!
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Introduction — OpenAIRE Guidelines 3.0 documentation
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Connecting research and researchers with ORCID
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Impact of Social Sciences – Subscriptions no longer needed: flipping journals to Open Access while supporting existing OA publications
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Tips for preparing and presenting online learning | Unlocking Research
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Excellent courses offered in scholarly communication
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] We love the library, but we live on the web: Survey report on Academic library users in UK
Shamprasad Pujar
- [Irtalk] Publish or be damned? Starting a university press – the perks, pitfalls and benefits | Jisc
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] UNESCO's Open Access (OA) Curriculum is now online
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] NMMU Open Access Seminar live streaming link
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Open Research Glossary (Right to Research Coalition)
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Libraries need a deeper online presence - Opinion - The Boston Globe
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Why you can’t read scientific research - Well Red, White, and Rosé
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Maximizing the impact of institutional knowledge using DSpace | Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS)
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: FW: Urgent notice: Copyright Amendment Bill published on 27 July 2015 published for public comment (30 days to do this)1
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: [SCHOLCOMM] Still time to take the survey of how college libraries encourage faculty cooperation with open access initiatives
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Ambassadors - Altmetric
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Concurrent 2E: Liblisher or Pubrary… - YouTube
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Open Access Journal Titles - Internationally & Nationally
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Invitation to attend annual Wider Gauteng IR FORMUM meeting on Friday 11 September 2015
Leti Kleyn
- [Irtalk] Citing post-prints (Advance Online Publication) available through an OA repository
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Predatory Publishing Isn't The Problem, It's a Symptom of Information Inequality - Digital Science
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Digital Preservation Strategies for Digital Content
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Open Access and Digital Scholarship Blog-Open Access and Digital Scholarship at Imperial College London. Making Open Access simple – The Imperial College approach to OA
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] List of Repository Software - Libopedia - Preliminary Usage Anaylsis
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Webometrics Repository Ranking July 2015
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] FW: [Sabinet Sabinews] Masters program in IT for LIS professionals
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Current status of OA policies in SA
Ina Smith
- [Irtalk] Current status of OA policies in SA
Denise Nicholson
- [Irtalk] Fwd: Please place advert on DSpace
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Copyright issues dog academics | Education | M&G
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Libraries cheer passage of strong open access legislation in U.S. Senate | News and Press Center
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] allAfrica.com: Africa: New Developments in Dspace for Scholarly Communication
Hilton Gibson
- [Irtalk] Vacancy: Scholarly Communications Officer, UCT Libraries
Jill Claassen
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 15:51:34 SAST 2015
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 15:51:39 SAST 2015
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