[Irtalk] New Video: Digital Privacy: An Introduction to HTTPS | LJ INFOdocket

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 20:42:03 SAST 2015

*We post and discuss about digital privacy often on infoDOCKET especially
as it relates to libraries and believe a basic understanding of key privacy
issues and technology is essential for librarians*.
One topic that we've mentioned a lot in the past year has been HTTPS, a
popular type of encryption that helps secure data as it moves across the
Recently, 18F, the digital design and development inside the General
Services Administration (US Fed. Government), conducted a webinar that
provided an introduction to HTTPS.
We've embedded the 66 minute video below and also recommend taking
reviewing *“What Every Librarian Needs to Know About HTTPS”* from the
Electronic Frontier Foundation

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