[IRTalk] We created a tool to help predict COVID-19 increases in African countries

Leti Kleyn leti.kleyn at up.ac.za
Mon Jul 26 11:17:38 SAST 2021

 We created a tool to help predict COVID-19 increases in African countries

*How the model is built*

We used a relatively simple model, by mathematical standards, to base the
computer codes. We incorporated the daily case reports from each country,
as well as the characterisation of the Human Development Index for each
country, population, the stringency of social measures to control the
infection, and meteorological data. We took into account the cases in
neighbouring countries, as well as whether the country is landlocked.

Our model used the case numbers reported up to and including the previous
week, to predict the case numbers in the week ahead.

*Read here:*

* Dr Leti Kleyn *PhD (UP), MPhil (UP), MA (UNISA)

*Senior Information Specialist | *

*Information Hub*

*Research assistant | Future Africa Institute*

*Research Fellow | Faculty of Humanities*

Cell +27 (0)82 347 9982
Email *leti.kleyn at up.ac.za* <leti.kleyn at up.ac.za>
*www.up.ac.za* <http://www.up.ac.za/>

*Innovation Africa @ UP*

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