[SUNScholar] Oop toegang, Plagiaat, Turnitin, Embargo's - Open access, Plagiarism, Turnitin, Embargoes

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Thu Oct 24 16:51:14 SAST 2013

Dear Colleagues

What is open access to research all about?

During the past week academic institutions all over the world supported open access to research. Visit the following http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1KGBCY (00:08:24 min.) if you are new to open access and want to learn more about it. Also feel free to contact us at any stage, and learn how you can benefit from open access.

Plagiarism and Turnitin

Students who want to submit their research via Turnitin<http://turnitin.com/en_us/home> plagiarism detection software, are welcome to do so. Access Turnitin<http://turnitin.com/en_us/home> via Webstudies<http://www0.sun.ac.za/webstudies/Stud_turnitin.html>. Inquiries regarding access can be directed to:

Morris Samuels
Tel.: 021 808 2443
E-mail: msam at sun.ac.za<mailto:msam at sun.ac.za>

Restricted access to theses/dissertations on SUNScholar

Please take note of the SU policy regarding restricted access to theses/dissertations. Once the embargo has been approved by Senate, the SUNScholar Office will be notified accordingly.

General Calendar 2013 p. 196 http://www.sun.ac.za/english/Documents/Yearbooks/2013/2013%20Deel%201%20Algemeen%20%28Eng%29_web.pdf#search=calendar

6.12 Sensitive dissertations and theses

6.12.2 Procedure with regard to sensitive dissertations/theses In the case of classified dissertations and theses that involve commercial confidentiality, the following shall apply: The dean of the relevant faculty, acting at the request of the supervisor/co-supervisor/supervisor/co-supervisor via the departmental chairperson concerned, shall, prior to the meeting at which the faculty board is to consider the Doctoral candidate's admission to the proposed study, or during the admission of a Master's candidate to a particular programme, specify in a submission to the Executive Committee (Senate) what the limited access required in regard to such dissertation or thesis involves in terms of the nature, degree and duration, thus providing the Executive Committee (Senate) with a basis on which to decide whether such dissertation or thesis is to be dealt with in accordance with the following guidelines .... etc.

With kind regards
Ina (on behalf of the SUNScholar Team)

Beste Kollegas

Wat behels oop toegang tot navorsing?

Gedurende die afgelope week het akademiese instansies wêreldwyd oop toegang tot navorsing ondersteun. Besoek gerus die volgende http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1KGBCY (00:08:24 min.) indien u meer te wete wil kom oor oop toegang tot navorsing. U is ook meer as welkom om ons te kontak indien u vrae het en wil weet hoe oop toegang tot u voordeel strek.

Plagiaat en Turnitin

Studente wat graag hul navorsing via Turnitin<http://turnitin.com/en_us/home> plagiaatopsporingsagteware wil toets, is welkom om dit te doen. Toegang tot Turnitin<http://turnitin.com/en_us/home> kan via Webstudies<http://www0.sun.ac.za/webstudies/Stud_turnitin.html> verkry word. Navrae kan gerig word aan:

Morris Samuels
Tel.: 021 808 2443
E-pos: msam at sun.ac.za<mailto:msam at sun.ac.za>

Beperkte toegang tot tesisse/proefskrifte op SUNScholar

Neem asb. kennis van die SU beleid m.b.t. beperkte toegang tot sensitiewe tesisse/proefskrifte. Sodra die embargo goedgekeur word deur die Senaat, word SUNScholar dienooreenkomstig ingelig.

Algemene Jaarboek 2013 p. 196 http://www.sun.ac.za/english/Documents/Yearbooks/2013/2013%20Deel%201%20Algemeen_Afr_web.pdf
6.12 Sensitiewe proefskrifte en tesisse
6.12.2 Prosedure m.b.t. sensitiewe proefskrifte/tesisse In verband met geklassifiseerde proefskrifte/tesisse met sekuriteitsbelang: Die Dekaan van die betrokke fakulteit maak, op versoek van die studie-leier/medestudieleier/promotor/medepromotor via die departementele voorsitter, voor die betrokke fakulteitraadsvergadering waar die doktorale kandidaat se toelating tot die studie oorweeg word, of tydens die toelating van ‟n magisterkandidaat tot die betrokke program, ‟n voorlegging aan die Uitvoerende Komitee (Senaat) ten opsigte van die graad, aard en tydperk van die vereiste beperkte toegang tot sodanige proefskrifte/tesisse, op grond waarvan die Uitvoerende Komitee (Senaat) kan besluit of die proefskrif/tesis volgens die onderstaande riglyne gehanteer sal word: Die Dekaan van die betrokke fakulteit maak, op versoek van die studie-leier/medestudieleier/promotor/medepromotor via die departementele voorsitter, voor die betrokke fakulteitraads vergadering waar die doktorale kandidaat se toelating tot die studie oorweeg word, of tydens die toelating van ‟n magisterkandidaat tot die betrokke program, ‟n voorlegging aan die Uitvoerende Komitee (Senaat) ten opsigte van die graad, aard en tydperk van die vereiste beperkte toegang tot sodanige proefskrifte/tesisse, op grond waarvan die Uitvoerende Komitee (Senaat) kan besluit of die proefskrif/tesis volgens die onderstaande riglyne gehanteer sal word ….

Vriendelike groete
Ina (namens die SUNScholar-span)

Ina Smith
Scholarly Communications Office Manager | Stellenbosch University | Private Bag X5036, 7599 | South Africa
Open Access | SUNScholar<http://scholar.sun.ac.za/> | SUNJournals<http://library.sun.ac.za/English/services/az/oa/Pages/sunjournals.aspx> | SUNConferences<http://library.sun.ac.za/Afrikaans/services/az/oa/Pages/sunconferences.aspx> | E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za> | Tel:  +27 21 808 9139 | Skype: smith.ina | Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
Wetenskaplike Kommunikasie Kantoor Bestuurder | Universiteit Stellenbosch | Privaatsak X5036, 7599 | Suid-Afrika
Oop Toegang | SUNScholar<http://scholar.sun.ac.za/>  | SUNJournals<http://library.sun.ac.za/English/services/az/oa/Pages/sunjournals.aspx> | SUNConferences<http://library.sun.ac.za/Afrikaans/services/az/oa/Pages/sunconferences.aspx> | E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za> | Tel:  +27 21 808 9139 | Skype: smith.ina | Kantoorure: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30

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