[SUNScholar] Update on SUNScholar/ Nuutste oor SUNScholar

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Wed Feb 3 09:10:06 SAST 2010

Beste kollegas

Ons is tans besig om die voorkoms van SUNScholar aan te pas m.b.v. sagteware wat saam met die nuutste weergawe van DSpace vrygestel is. Dit volg ook op 'n ontmoeting wat ons met die relevante rolspelers gehad het.  Gaan kyk gerus by http://neo.bib.sun.ac.za/xmlui (Biblioteek ontwikkelings- en kwaliteitsversekeringsbediener). Huidige SUNScholar:  http://scholar.sun.ac.za

Vriendelike groete
Ina (namens die SUNScholar-span)

Dear all

We are in the process of deploying a new look and feel for SUNScholar by making use of software released with the most recent DSpace software version. This also follows a meeting we had with the relevant stakeholders. It can be viewed at http://neo.bib.sun.ac.za/xmlui (Library developmental and quality assurance server). Current SUNScholar:  http://scholar.sun.ac.za

With kind regards
Ina (on behalf of the SUNScholar-team)

Ina Smith
E-Research Repository Manager
Library and Information Service
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Fax:  +27 21 808 3723
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X5036, 7599
South Africa
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>


Ina Smith
Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Faks: +27 21 808 3723
Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Privaatsak X5036, 7599
Kantoorure: Ma-Vr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>

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