[IRTalk] Join Us for a Panel Discussion: The Role of Funders in Building a Robust and Trustworthy Output Tracking Mechanism Using PIDs and Open Metadata

Rorie Edmunds rorie.edmunds at datacite.org
Tue Oct 3 10:33:25 SAST 2023

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

Dear Colleagues,

Join us
for an exciting panel discussion on the central role of funders in
promoting FAIR research practices and advancing Open Science.

In this panel, we will hear perspectives from funding organizations and
open scholarly infrastructures on how the adoption of PIDs and the creation
of rich connection metadata can serve as a concrete step towards Open and
FAIR grant management, output tracking, and impact measurement.

We look forward to hearing from the following panelists:


   Maria Cruz (Dutch Research Council)

   Kristin Eldon Whylly (Templeton World Charity Foundation)

   Erin McKiernan (Open Research Funders Group)

   Xiaoli Chen (DataCite)

   Amanda French (ROR)

   Ginny Hendricks (Crossref)

   Shawna Sadler (ORCID)

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to our panelists
during the discussion session. Register now to be part of the conversation
about the potential of FAIR practices in research funding and beyond.

Please register here and share this event with your networks:

This panel session is part of the DataCite Annual Community Meeting 2023

Best regards,

The DataCite Team

*Rorie Edmunds PhD | Samples Community Manager | DataCite*
*Japan Standard Time <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/japan/tokyo>*
*E*: rorie.edmunds at datacite.org
*W*: datacite.org | Blog <https://blog.datacite.org/> | Twitter
<https://twitter.com/datacite> | LinkedIn
Support Desk <support at datacite.org> | Support Site
<https://support.datacite.org/> | PID Forum <https://www.pidforum.org/>
*A*: DataCite -- Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover, Germany
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