[IRTalk] FW: Save the Date: Open Repositories Conference 2023

Ina Smith Ina at assaf.org.za
Thu Aug 18 13:39:42 SAST 2022

From: africa-l-request at iflalists.org <africa-l-request at iflalists.org> On Behalf Of Roux, Marie [mr at sun.ac.za]
Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2022 13:29
To: africa-l at iflalists.org
Subject: [africa-l] Save the Date: Open Repositories Conference 2023

Dear Colleagues

It is with pleasure that we announce the date and venue for the 18th Open Repositories Conference (OR 2023). The conference will be held from 12-15 June 2023 at the Lord Charles Hotel<https://lordcharleshotel.com/>, Somerset West, which is close to Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service<library.sun.ac.za> will be the host. We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to the first Open Repositories Conference on the African continent!

[cid:image002.png at 01D8B306.0450CED0]<https://or2023.openrepositories.org/>

Kind regards

For the Host Organising Committee
Ellen Tise, Mimi Seyffert-Wirth, Marié Roux<mailto:mr at sun.ac.za>

For the Open Repositories Steering Committee
Claire Knowles and Torsten Reimer

#OpenRepos2023 <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23OpenRepos2023&src=hashtag_click>

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