[IRTalk] FW: [EIFL-OA] Join the 2nd UN Open Science Conference on July 21-23

Leti Kleyn leti.kleyn at up.ac.za
Wed Jun 30 11:44:13 SAST 2021

*From:* Iryna Kuchma <iryna.kuchma at eifl.net>
*Sent:* Friday, June 25, 2021 3:42 PM
*To:* eifloa <eifloa at lists.eifl.net>
*Subject:* [EIFL-OA] Join the 2nd UN Open Science Conference on July 21-23

Dear colleagues,

I will be speaking at the Second United Nations Open Science Conference
organized by the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library on July 21-23:
https://www.un.org/en/library/OS21. The conference will be virtual and
registration is free: https://un.libcal.com/event/7964268. Please join the
discussions, share with your colleagues and invite them to participate!

In the 2nd OPEN SCIENCE CONFERENCE, From Tackling the Pandemic to
Addressing Climate Change, policy makers, main IGO actors, librarians,
publishers and research practitioners will engage into a public dialogue
focusing on what Open Science has learned from COVID-19 and how this can be
applied into actions addressing the global climate crisis, at the interface
of science, technology, policy and research.

This three-day Conference organized by the Department of Global
Communications, Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, Division of Sustainable Development Goals will bring the
global discussion on open science and climate action to the United Nations
and highlight national and IGO policies and Open Science initiatives from
around the world. In cooperation with the global Open Science and Open
Scholarship community, the Conference will also engage with early career
leaders advancing openness in research and education at a time of
lockdowns, and invite them into conversation with established leaders and
policy makers in this key area for the UN 2030 Agenda.

Have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes,


*Iryna Kuchma*
Open Access Programme Manager
iryna.kuchma at eifl.net | Skype: iryna.kuchma
*EIFL* - Electronic Information for Libraries
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