[IRTalk] Data Intelligence in Libraries, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt, 22 & 23 August 2019

Klapwijk, WOUTER [wklap@sun.ac.za] Wklap at sun.ac.za
Sat Aug 3 12:55:57 SAST 2019

Registration remains open until 20th August for this 1.5 day IFLA pre-conference meeting in which use cases and practical experiences is shared in dealing with various aspects of data work in libraries.  Attendance is open to everyone and not limited to only IFLA members.

Speaker contributions from 13 countries will discuss different perspectives of data work in libraries to assist library professionals in deriving the necessary insight and intelligence from data to effectively manage library data collections and data operations, as well as to enrich user data lifecycles.

Programme topics:

*         Data analysis and visualisation - dashboard systems, graph visualisation and library data visualisation.

*         Data services - data and artificial intelligence in library systems.

*         Library collections as data - exploring library collections with semantic embedding, contributions by OCLC and the German National Library (DNB).

*         Linking and sharing data - knowledge graph curation, sharing big data and FAIR data principles.

*         Open data and repository systems for advancing FAIR research.

This pre-conference meeting is presented in symposium discussion format and arranged by the IFLA Big Data Special Interest Group in collaboration with the German National Library (DNB). Please join us for an early-evening sponsored social event on Thursday 22 August, leaving you enough time to enjoy a summer evening river cruise in Frankfurt.

Full programme and to register:
Please visit https://sites.google.com/view/wlic2019-big-data. The registration fee is 60 Euros for all delegates. The Organising Committee has secured 80 rooms in two hotels close to the DNB.

SIG Convenor
- on behalf of the Organising Committee.

Wouter Klapwijk
Deputy Director: IT and Digital Services | Adjunkdirekteur: IT en Digitale Dienste
Library and Information Service | Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens
Stellenbosch University | Universiteit Stellenbosch
e: wklap at sun.ac.za | t: +27 21 808 4378 |  f: +27 21 808 3723


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