[IRTalk] Talking about benefits of Video Conferencing & Online Meetings in Academia

Anelda van der Walt anelda.vdwalt at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 14:29:37 SAST 2019

Dear colleague,

Technology and connectivity have made it easier to meet online. Despite
this, many students and academics are still not sharing in the benefits
that video platforms bring in terms of meetings, learning, teaching, and

RCCPII, TENET, GÉANT and UbuntuNet Alliance are collaborating to develop a
short video clip featuring students and academics who have gained from
using video conferencing tools to further their work or studies.

We want to hear from you. Submit a short video clip (1 – 5 minutes) or a
few sentences about how video conferencing has impacted your work or
studies. We will combine these resources and share it with the broader
community to help create awareness.

All submissions will be credited to the original authors. Anonymous
submissions will also be accepted. Materials will be made available under
the Creative Commons license (CC – BY) to facilitate sharing and reuse.

Please submit your video clip and/or paragraph via the online form at
https://forms.gle/SvVu57N4RtrN4xg18 before 17 April 2019.

For inquiries, please contact us at
videoconferencing-academia at googlegroups.com. Please share this request with
colleagues who may want to share their story about using video
conferencing/online meetings in academia.

Great tips on creating good video clips are available at

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,


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