[IRTalk] FW: EUDAT conference "Putting the EOSC into practice", 23-25 January 2018: registration & call for posters/demos are open!

Lazarus Matizirofa lazarus.matizirofa at nrf.ac.za
Fri Sep 29 12:18:36 SAST 2017

From: news at eudat.eu [mailto:news at eudat.eu]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 11:44 AM
To: Lazarus Matizirofa <lazarus.matizirofa at nrf.ac.za>
Subject: EUDAT conference "Putting the EOSC into practice", 23-25 January 2018: registration & call for posters/demos are open!

online version<http://newsletter.eudat.eu/Newsletter.ashx?action=onlinenewsletter&idnewsletter=90&guid=3751&source=1&lang=en>

Research Data Services, Expertise & Technology Solutions



September 2017

[http://newsletter.eudat.eu/Repository/images/EUDAT-logo_PuttingEOSC_300.png]Join the EUDAT conference 2018
After the success of the previous EUDAT conference in Amsterdam which brought together more than 300 participants, we are ready to kick-off 2018 with the EUDAT conference "Putting the EOSC vision into practice<https://eudat.eu/events/conferences/save-the-date-eudat-conference-putting-the-eosc-vision-into-practice>". The conference takes place in the stunning location of Porto, Portugal from the 23rd to the 25th of January 2018.

Why join?
The conference will:

  *   Discuss the progress of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the European Data Infrastructure (EDI) and the contribution of EUDAT as well as other infrastructures to these two initiatives;
  *   Showcase the latest trends in data infrastructure and data management solutions for research;
  *   Demo the solutions developed by EUDAT to address researchers and research communities’ data management needs, through concrete pilots;
  *   Inform about the concrete opportunities offered by the newly established EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) to the service providers and research communities.

Additionally, it will give you the opportunity to showcase your work to an audience of community decision-makers and data managers, scientists and research communities, policy-makers, e-Infrastructure projects, research infrastructures and ESFRI projects during a poster & demo session (Submissions open until 30 November 2017).<https://eudat.eu/eudat-conference-2018-call-for-posters-demos>

Finally, it will host a set of co-located workshops covering different topics and disciplines to complement the main programme. The co-located workshops will be announced soon!

Curious about the programme? A sneak preview is available here<https://eudat.eu/eudat-conference-2018-programme>. More information will be available in the upcoming weeks.

What you can do now?

Enjoy our newsletter, mark the dates in your agenda and start planning your trip to Porto<https://eudat.eu/eudat-conference-2018-venue-accommodation>. Registration is open: make sure you register by 17 November 2017 to benefit from the early-bird rate (€ 80)!

[Register to EUDAT conference]<https://eudat.eu/eudat-conference-2018-registration-form>


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Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine research and a key issue for various studies, from the climate change prediction to off shore engineering. SeaDataCloud is a new project funded by the European Commission to considerably advance the SeaDataNet Services and increase their usage, adopting cloud and High Performance Computing technology for better performance. The SeaDataCloud project has recently entered into a strategic and technical cooperation with the EUDAT consortium, with which it will collaborate to build upon the state of the art in ICT and e-infrastructures for data, computing and networking. EUDAT participates...


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EUDAT has endorsed the Data Seal of Approval and is actively engaged in it. Recently ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) have announced the launch of a new certification organization: CoreTrustSeal. The  CoreTrustSeal  Board offers all interested data repositories a core-level certification based on the  DSA–WDS Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements  catalogue and procedures. CoreTrustSeal Data Repository certification replaces the DSA certification and the WDS certification of Regular Members. The CoreTrustSeal is a community-based nonprofit organization promoting sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures...


[Save the date DI4R 2017]<https://eudat.eu/news/use-your-voice-to-shape-the-di4r-2017-call-for-abstracts-opens-today>

Register to DI4R (Early-bird closes on 31 October 2017) and submit your abstract for demos, presentations, sessions, posters or talks<https://eudat.eu/news/use-your-voice-to-shape-the-di4r-2017-call-for-abstracts-opens-today> by 13th October 2017<https://eudat.eu/news/use-your-voice-to-shape-the-di4r-2017-call-for-abstracts-opens-today>


Apply to the first EMODnet hackathon on open marine data, 15-17 November 2017, Antwerp<https://eudat.eu/news/emodnet-launches-its-first-hackathon-on-open-marine-data-15-17-november-2017-antwerp> (Deadline for applications: 16 October 2017)<https://eudat.eu/news/emodnet-launches-its-first-hackathon-on-open-marine-data-15-17-november-2017-antwerp>


EUDAT receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654065. Legal Notice<http://www.eudat.eu/legal-notice>  Unsubscribe <http://newsletter.eudat.eu/Newsletter.ashx?action=unsubscribe&idnewsletter=90&guid=3751&verifycode=B0CDB05557AD9AE95042090281D56A80&lang=en>   Subscribe<http://www.eudat.eu/>


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Meiring Naude Road
PO Box 2600
Pretoria, 0001
South Africa

Lazarus Matizirofa
Acting Executive Director
Knowledge Management Corporate (KMC)
Tel: +27 12 481 4016
Email: lazarus.matizirofa at nrf.ac.za


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