[IRTalk] It’s time to heed the drive towards open books

Nason Bimbe nasonbimbe at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 17:48:30 SAST 2017

One of the less remarked upon aspects of the Consultation on the Second
Research Excellence Framework (REF) (HEFCE 2016/38) is the quiet but bold
statement in Annex C that the UK funding bodies intend the current
open-access policy to be extended to monographs for the as-yet unannounced
third exercise in the mid-2020s.

At present, HEFCE’s policy for green open-access (OA) deposit applies only
to journal articles or conference proceedings with an ISSN. Ten years from
now, we have been warned, the situation will look very different and books
will be included.

The set of needs here is formidable; when it comes to books, we are not
talking about depositing author-accepted manuscripts. So institutions need
to begin thinking now about the strategies that they will deploy to meet
these forthcoming obligations.

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