[IRTalk] Fwd: [sulug-announce] [CLUG-announce] OWASP Cape Town meetup 7pm Wednesday 15 March - "Hunting rogue WiFi devices using the HackRF SDR"
Leti Kleyn
Leti.Kleyn at up.ac.za
Tue Feb 28 08:17:51 SAST 2017
>>> Hilton Gibson <hilton.gibson at gmail.com> 2/27/2017 11:43 PM >>>
Please post to irtalk. thx
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From: "Liam Smit" <liam.smit at gmail.com>
Date: 27 Feb 2017 16:23
Subject: [sulug-announce] [CLUG-announce] OWASP Cape Town meetup 7pm Wednesday 15 March - "Hunting rogue WiFi devices using the HackRF SDR"
To: <clug-announce at clug.org.za>
The next OWASP CPT meeting will feature a talk by Mike Davis titled:
"Hunting rogue WiFi devices using the HackRF SDR"
Rogue WiFi Access Points are a serious security risk for today's connected society. Devices such as the Hak5 Pineapple, ESP8266-based 'throwies', or someone with the right WiFi card and software can be used to intercept users' traffic and grab all of their credentials. Finding these rogue devices is a very difficult thing to achieve without specialised equipment. In this talk Mike will discuss the work he has been doing over the past year, to use the HackRF SDR as a RF Direction-finding device, with the goal of hunting down various malicious RF devices, including car remote jammers.
Mike Davis (@elasticninja) is passionate about software defined radio and is currently pursuing his MSc in Information Security.
Location: VOSS, Unit 6, Knowledge Park 3, Heron Crescent, Century City
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/Vik5kYExDLQ2
Date: Wednesday, 15 March 2017 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Cape-Town-Chapter-Meetup/events/238025690/
Please join and bring your friends but remember to RSVP. We attempt to cater for space, parking and refreshments so knowing the number of attendees is very useful.
There is also informal chatting after the main talk.
PS: 0xCOFFEE (a local hacker meetup) now has a meetup.com group to co-ordinate their efforts. Support the great meetup of interesting minds @ http://www.meetup.com/0xC0FFEE-Cape-Town-Hacker-Meetup/
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