[IRTalk] COAR and Research Data Management

Lazarus Matizirofa lazarus.matizirofa at nrf.ac.za
Thu Oct 20 12:20:38 SAST 2016


Dear COAR members,

COAR aims to position universities, research institutions and their libraries as the foundation for a new scholarly communication system. A system that is community based and supports the widespread sharing of research materials and outputs. Researchers produce huge volumes of research data, much of which remains on the hard drives and is unavailable for validation or re-use. In a system where openness is becoming the default, it is imperative that institutions take on greater responsibility for the collection, management and sharing of this valuable content.
Last week, COAR launched a Research Data Management (RDM) Interest Group to help the community expand their operations to support RDM. This group will provide a forum for discussion about managing research data, identify best practices and strategies, and support capacity building for RDM in the repository community.
RDM is wide ranging and there are already many organizations active in this area. The aim of COAR’s work is to promote and articulate the role of research institutions in providing access to research data and to help address the challenges of RDM for the repository community.
All outputs of the group will be made available to COAR members.
At our meeting last week, the interest group identified the following activities for 2016-2018:

  1.  Webinars
     *   (a) Case studies
     *   (b) Methods for linking data to publications
     *   (c) Basic introduction to RDM
  2.  Develop an assessment framework to help institutions evaluate data repository systems
  3.  Undertake a brief survey of RDM activities within the COAR membership
  4.  Identify and link to key training material and resources
  5.  Share collection policies for RDM in repositories
  6.  Recommend metadata standards for research data sets
If you are interested in actively participating in this group, please send a message to office at coar-repositories.org<mailto:office at coar-repositories.org>

The webpage is here: https://www.coar-repositories.org/activities/repository-content/rda-interest-group-the-long-tail-of-research-data/

All the best,


Kathleen Shearer
Executive Director, Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
m.kathleen.shearer at gmail.com<mailto:m.kathleen.shearer at gmail.com> - +1 514 992 9068
Skype: kathleen.shearer2 - twitter: @KathleeShearer

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Meiring Naude Road
PO Box 2600
Pretoria, 0001
South Africa

Lazarus Matizirofa
Team Leader: DCCM
Knowledge Management Corporate (KMC)
Tel: +27 12 481 4016
Email: lazarus.matizirofa at nrf.ac.za

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