[Irtalk] Cardinal Scholar Home

Gibson, Hilton <hgibson@sun.ac.za> hgibson at sun.ac.za
Tue Feb 23 10:04:22 SAST 2016

Hi L,

The easiest way is to upgrade to DSpace 5.4 and then implement the Mirage 2 theme.

You are welcome to use our theme as template.

See: https://github.com/hamslaai/Mirage2

And: http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/SUNScholar/XMLUI_Theme/M2/Customisation



Hilton Gibson
Stellenbosch University Library
From: IRTalk <irtalk-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za> on behalf of Leti Kleyn <Leti.Kleyn at up.ac.za>
Sent: 22 February 2016 09:54 PM
To: hilton.gibson at gmail.com; irtalk at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Cc: Wandi Tobosi
Subject: Re: [Irtalk] Cardinal Scholar Home

Hi H.,

we are considering designing a webpage interface/landing page of our DSpace repository. We hope this will allow us to make the repository more user friendly, to link the RSS feeds from the main university website + research portal to the IR, and to allow us to create a new look and feel for the repository without having to pay for the excessive skinning of the DSpace design.

Any suggestions, opinions or advise?


Dr Leti Kleyn
Manager: Open Scholarship Programme
E-Services Unit
Department of Library Services
Merensky Library Room 2.24.2
University of Pretoria
8 leti.kleyn at up.ac.za<mailto:leti.kleyn at up.ac.za> ) 012 420 3876

>>> Hilton Gibson <hilton.gibson at gmail.com> 02/17/16 10:36 AM >>>
?Hi All,

Bumped into this repository on the web after reading a query on the dspace-tech mailing list.
Very good best practice applied with web site branding and choice of URL for the web site!?


?Also see: ?http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/SUNScholar/Install_Ubuntu/S02



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