[Irtalk] The Possibilities are Assessable: Using an Evidence Based Framework to Identify Assessment Opportunities in Library Technology Departments | Stoddart | Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 15:57:38 SAST 2015

*An essential contributor to library value is found within library systems,
web services, and emerging technologies departments. Often these areas of
library services are overlooked by traditional assessment measures* and
efforts because they do not appear to provide direct support for student
learning. This is unfortunate, as technology units are a “crucial”
contributor to service organizations that deal primarily in information,
such as libraries (Braun, 1998, p. 64). Library technology departments
offer important services and expertise that certainly influence student
learning, researcher productivity, and library innovation but documenting
this impact remains an ongoing challenge.

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