[Irtalk] The millions we spend on stolen ideas (M&G, 13 Feb 2015)

Leti Kleyn Leti.Kleyn at up.ac.za
Wed Feb 18 13:52:27 SAST 2015

Plagiarism transgresses a university’s core values and leeches a fortune
in subsidies from the state.
Unlike student plagiarism, plagiarism by academics is a relatively
unexplored problem, with research being largely anecdotal and

But more than 68% of the journal articles we surveyed in our recently
published article in the South African Journal of Science showed enough
evidence to qualify as plagiarised. And, because 21% of the 371 articles
our study examined contained a degree of plagiarism we defined as
“excessive”, we estimated that the government paid a subsidy of
almost R7-million for these questionable publications.

Dr Leti Kleyn
Manager: Open Scholarship Programme
E-Services Unit
Department of Library Services 
Merensky Library Room 2.24.2
University of Pretoria
8 leti.kleyn at up.ac.za ) 012 420 3876
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