[Irtalk] Open Access & LIASA

Denise Nicholson Denise.Nicholson at wits.ac.za
Thu Sep 25 21:58:34 SAST 2014

Dear Ina,

Thanks and great work being done around OA.

Here are lots of OA resources and OERs - see: http://libguides.wits.ac.za/openaccess_a2k_scholarly_communication and http://libguides.wits.ac.za/Open_Educational_Resources

Please share via your listservs.

From: Ina Smith [inacsmith at gmail.com]
Sent: 25 September 2014 09:44 PM
To: irtalk at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Subject: [Irtalk] Open Access & LIASA

Dear Colleagues

Open Access is high on LIASA’s agenda for this coming year. This e-mail just to share a few observations/comments ….

1.  1. Please join LIASA, and become a member of LIASA HELIG. We need you all, especially in taking OA forward.  Librarians are instrumental in this.

2.  2. LIASA is in the process of collaborating with SPARC to also establish a SPARC Africa Chapter. We need your support, and will keep all posted.

3.  3. As LIASA members, we will be offering you exciting webinars on topics of high importance. We will be giving local and international experts the opportunity to share their expertise during this coming year.

4.  4. We will soon be sharing more news on the OA Standing Committee for LIASA. Watch this space!

5.  5. It was a privilege to be co-presenter with Lazarus Matizirofa during the past conference. View the slides from here:  http://www.slideshare.net/inaviljoensmith/open-access-be-seen-be-read-be-cited-have-impact

6. More practical, useful examples of the impact of OA – shared during the LIASA conference:

Jack Andraka (16) invented a diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer using OA articles http://chronicle.com/article/Open-Access-to-Research-Can/136065

Daniel Mietchen: http://www.openhealthnews.com/news-clipping/2013-10-01/asap-awards-%E2%80%93-interview-daniel-mietchen

Opening Tesla patents to advance innovation: http://www.dailytech.com/Elon+Musk+Freely+Offers+All+Tesla+Motors+Patents+to+Everyone+Hopes+to+Spur+EV+Movement/article36047.htm

6.   7.   If a resource is open access for an academic library, it means it is also open for public and school libraries. Please work with public and school libraries and help them to take OA forward, so that all can benefit.

See LIASA OA Workshop presentation for public, school, academic libraries etc. - introduction: http://www.slideshare.net/inaviljoensmith/open-access-oa-introduction
Many thanks for the great work you all do in terms of OA! All the best with your OA week activities, and all the best with taking OA forward with renewed effort, energy and enthusiasm.

Would be great to hear all the success stories at some stage!

With kind regards
Ina (on behalf of LIASA HELIG)

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