[Irtalk] Fwd: [GOAL] New AOASG webpages on Paying for publication

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 11:23:20 SAST 2014


*Hilton Gibson*
Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
JS Gericke Library
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South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Danny Kingsley <Danny.Kingsley at anu.edu.au>
Date: 20 February 2014 06:20
Subject: [GOAL] New AOASG webpages on Paying for publication
To: "goal at eprints.org" <goal at eprints.org>

  <Apologies for cross posting>

 The AOASG has published the first two pages in a series about paying for
publication. The main page - "Paying for Publication"
http://aoasg.org.au/paying-for-publication/  introduces the hybrid model of
publication with links to some different programs offered by publishers, it
also discusses other types of payment associated with scholarly publishing.

 The second page "Cost of hybrid" - http://aoasg.org.au/cost-of-hybrid/
compares the cost of hybrid open access publishing with publishing in a
fully open access journal.

 Watch this space for further information on this rich and complex topic.


 Dr Danny Kingsley

Executive Officer

Australian Open Access Support Group

e: eo at aoasg.org.au

p: +612 6125 6839

w: www.aoasg.org.au

t: @openaccess_oz

GOAL mailing list
GOAL at eprints.org
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