[Wcm] CALICO catalogues

Liebenberg, Anita <adl@sun.ac.za> adl at sun.ac.za
Thu Feb 28 10:59:39 SAST 2013

What about: Search Library Catalogues (Western Cape Universities)

From: wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za [mailto:wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za] On Behalf Of Smith, Ina <ismith at sun.ac.za>
Sent: 28 February 2013 10:48 AM
To: Du Plessis, Pieter <pdupless at sun.ac.za>; Malherbe, N, Mev <nmalherbe at sun.ac.za>; wcm at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Subject: Re: [Wcm] CALICO catalogues

But that would be misleading? It sounds as if you would be searching for a library?

From: Du Plessis, Pieter <pdupless at sun.ac.za>
Sent: 28 February 2013 10:47
To: Smith, Ina <ismith at sun.ac.za>; Malherbe, N, Mev <nmalherbe at sun.ac.za>; wcm at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Subject: RE: CALICO catalogues

I would opt for Western Cape Library search. What's a catalogue?

From: wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za [mailto:wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za] On Behalf Of Smith, Ina <ismith at sun.ac.za>
Sent: 28 February 2013 10:21 AM
To: Malherbe, N, Mev <nmalherbe at sun.ac.za>; wcm at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Subject: Re: [Wcm] CALICO catalogues

Many thanks Natasja! If you want it even shorter - how about Library Catalogues - with a mouse-over to explain that it covers all Western Cape Library catalogues?

From: wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za<mailto:wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za> [mailto:wcm-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za] On Behalf Of Malherbe, N, Mev <nmalherbe at sun.ac.za<mailto:nmalherbe at sun.ac.za>>
Sent: 28 February 2013 10:18
To: wcm at lists.lib.sun.ac.za<mailto:wcm at lists.lib.sun.ac.za>
Subject: [Wcm] CALICO catalogues

Good morning Colleagues,

I have just renamed the CALICO catalogues entry under Quick Links on the library's home page to a more meaningful name i.e. Western Cape Universities Catalogues and on the Afrikaans side to read Wes-Kaapse Universiteite Katalogi.

Natasja Malherbe
Informasietegnologie /  Information Technology
US Biblioteek- & Inligtingsdiens   /  SU Library & Information Service
Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X5036, 7599, South Africa
Tel:  +27 21 808 2845                                Fax: +27 21 808 3723
http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/> | m.library.sun.ac.za<http://m.library.sun.ac.za/>


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