[SUNScholar] SUNScholar December 2016 graduation / Desember 2016 gradeplegtigheid

Talliard, Paulette <plt@sun.ac.za> plt at sun.ac.za
Mon Oct 31 10:33:57 SAST 2016

Please ignore previous mail seeing as I had the dates wrong, below is the correct mail.

* Please share with colleagues/students where applicable./ Deel asb. met kollegas/studente waar van toepassing. *

ALL CORRESPONDENCE MUST BE SEND TO scholar at sun.ac.za<mailto:scholar at sun.ac.za>

Dear Colleagues

Submission to SUNScholar
SUNScholar is now open to receive new nominations for the December 2016 graduation period. Guidelines for submission into SUNScholar is available at Library Help-page<http://library.sun.ac.za/English/howdoi/Pages/Submit-my-thesis-online.aspx> and General Yearbook 2016<http://www.sun.ac.za/english/Documents/Yearbooks/2016/PoliciesAndRules2016.pdf> for policy guidelines. To summarise the process:

1.       The final document has to be submitted in pdf format. This is the copy following examination, and after all corrections have been made.

2.       The supervisor/promoter/admin staff member nominates the candidate via the staff portal<http://midtier.sun.ac.za/html-navbar/home.html>.

3.       The thesis/dissertation is uploaded at: https://etd.sun.ac.za/submissions

4.       The supervisor/promoter/admin staff member approves the submission via the staff portal<http://midtier.sun.ac.za/html-navbar/home.html>.

5.       The thesis/dissertation will be publicly accessible via the Internet following graduation.

The final date for the submission of theses/dissertations for the December 2016 graduation is 23 November 2016.

Publishing books/chapters in books and copyright
All inquiries related to copyright and the publication of books/chapters in books as a result of a thesis/dissertation can be directed to InnovUS<http://www.innovus.co.za/pages/english/contact-us.php>.

Frequently asked questions regarding theses/dissertations
Signature on declaration page: Please note that the signature is no longer required, and that the student can simply type his/her name below the declaration. The reason for this is that the whole process is recorded electronically, as proof that all parties adhere to the policy etc.

Crest: If there are students struggling with adding the crest, please submit without the crest, and we will make sure that the crest is added in the end.

With kind regards
The Scholar team

Beste Kollegas

Oplaai op SUNScholar
SUNScholar is nou gereed om nuwe nominasies vir die Desember 2016 gradeplegtigheid te ontvang. Riglyne vir die oplaaiproses op SUNScholar is beskikbaar by die Biblioteek Hulp-bladsy<http://library.sun.ac.za/Afrikaans/howdoi/Pages/Submit-my-thesis-online.aspx> en Algemene Jaarboek 2016<http://www.sun.ac.za/english/Documents/Yearbooks/2016/BeleideEnReels2016.pdf> vir beleidsriglyne. Om die proses op te som:

1.       Die finale dokument moet in pdf formaat opgelaai word. Dit is die weergawe na afloop van eksaminering, nadat alle korreksies aangebring is.

2.       Die studieleier/ admin personeellid nomineer die kandidaat via die personeelportaal<http://midtier.sun.ac.za/html-navbar/home.html>.

3.       Die tesis/ proefskrif word opgelaai by: https://etd.sun.ac.za/submissions

4.       Die studieleier/ admin personeellid keur die opgelaaide dokument goed via die personeelportaal<http://midtier.sun.ac.za/html-navbar/home.html>.

5.       Die tesis/proefskrif sal na afloop van die gradeplegtigheid beskikbaar wees via die Internet.

Publikasie van boeke/hoofstukke in boeke en kopiereg
Navrae m.b.t. kopiereg en die publikasie van boeke/hoofstukke in boeke as 'n resultaat van 'n tesis/proefskrif, kan gerig word aan InnovUS<http://www.innovus.co.za/pages/english/contact-us.php>

Die finale datum vir die oplaai van die tesisse/proefskrifte vir die Desember gradeplegtigheid is 23 November 2016.

Gereelde navrae oor tesisse/proefskrifte
Handtekening op deklarasie/verklaringsbladsy: Neem asb. kennis dat die handtekening nie langer nodig is nie, en dat die student bloot sy/haar naam kan intik onderaan die verklaring. Die hele proses word elektronies gerekordeer, as bewys dat alle partye volgens die beleid handel.

Crest: Indien studente sukkel om die crest by te voeg, kan hulle dit uitlaat en ons sal seker maak dit word bygevoeg.

Vriendelike groete
Die Scholar-span

Kind regards / Vriendelike groete

Paulette Talliard

Digital Scholarship Librarian | JS Gericke Library | Stellenbosch University | Private Bag X5036, Stellenbosch 7599 | South Africa
Open Access | SUNScholar<http://scholar.sun.ac.za/> | SUNJournals<http://library.sun.ac.za/English/services/az/oa/Pages/sunjournals.aspx> | SUNConferences<http://library.sun.ac.za/Afrikaans/services/az/oa/Pages/sunconferences.aspx> | E-mail: plt at sun.ac.za<mailto:plt at sun.ac.za> | Tel:  +27 21 808 9046 |
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30

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