[SUNScholar] E-tesisse/ verhandelinge: Maart 2010 gradeplegtigheid - E-theses/ dissertations: March 2010 graduation ceremony

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Wed Jan 6 16:30:01 SAST 2010

(Scroll down for English version)

Beste Kollegas

Neem asb. kennis van die volgende inligting t.o.v. die oplaai van tesisse en verhandelinge binne SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/>. Versprei ook asb. die inligting aan dosente, studieleiers, studente ens.

Afsnydatum vir oplaai van e-tesisse/verhandelinge binne SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/> met die oog op die Maart 2010 gradeplegtigheid<http://www.mymaties.com/portal/page/portal/STUDENT_PAGE_GROUP/MYMATIES_HOME/Graduation>:  25 Februarie 2010
Geen gedrukte kopieë word deur die Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens aanvaar nie. (Indien jy graag 'n gedrukte kopie van jou tesis/verhandeling wil bekom, kontak AFRICAN SUN MeDIA<http://www.africansunmedia.co.za/?Task=CompanyInfo&CategoryID=3762>.)

Die volledige proses behels slegs 3 stappe:
1. Dosent/ Studieleier nomineer betrokke kandidaat (sien Nomineringsprosesinligting aangeheg). Die nominasie-skerm sal vanaf Woensdag 13 Januarie beskikbaar wees binne die "MyMatie"-portaal.
2. Student laai PDF-tesis/ verhandeling op.
3. Dosent aanvaar PDF-tesis/ verhandeling as korrek.


Omskakeling na PDF-formaat

-          Die Universiteit vereis dat tesisse en proefskrifte na een PDF-lêer omgeskakel word alvorens die finale werk in SUNeTD<https://etd.sun.ac.za/jspui/ldap-login> opgelaai word. Gebruik bv. CutePDF Writer<http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/Writer.asp> vir die omskakeling (riglyne vir gebruik van CutePDF Writer aangeheg).

-          Stoor die PDF-weergawe van jou tesis/ verhandeling onder die volgende lêernaam:  Van, Voorletters bv. Du Toit, E.S.pdf

Die onus rus deurgaans op die student om toe te sien dat:

-          Die inhoud van die PDF-dokument nie tydens die omskakelingsproses verander het van die oorspronklike brondokument nie - spesifiek in terme van inhoud en struktuur.

-          Om te sien dat die eerste 4 bladsye (Titel, Deklarasie, Opsomming, Abstract) van die finale werk voldoen aan die instruksies soos uiteengesit in die Algemene Jaarboek<http://www.lib.sun.ac.za/Library/etd/Algemene%20Jaarboek%20-%20tesisse%20en%20proefskrifte.pdf>. (Sien voorbeeld van elektroniese deklarasie aangeheg)

-          Geen logo of embleem mag op die titelblad van die finale PDF-dokument vertoon nie. (In die finale stadium van die verwerking van e-tesisse sal die US wapen (crest) op die titelblad en e-sekuriteit deur Biblioteekpersoneel op alle e-tesisse gesit word).

Oplaai van tesis/ verhandeling op SUNeTD
Nadat jou dosent/ studieleier jou genomineer het, kan jy jou e-tesis/verhandeling oplaai deur aan te teken met jou kampus gebruikersnaam en wagwoord by https://etd.sun.ac.za/jspui/ldap-login en die maklike instruksies volg.

Probleme met wagwoord vir aanteken op SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/ldap-login>
Verander jou wagwoord of vind hulp by:  www.sun.ac.za/password<http://www.sun.ac.za/password>

Die elektroniese inleweringsproses kan deur 'n dosent OF studieleier OF departmentele beampte afgehandel word.

Kontak gerus die SUNScholar-kantoor indien u enige navrae het of hulp benodig.
E-pos: scholar at sun.ac.za<mailto:scholar at sun.ac.za>
Tel:  021 808 9139
Skype: smith.ina

Besoek gerus ons webwerf vir meer inligting:  http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/index.htm

Vriendelike groete en baie dankie vir u hulp m.b.t. bogenoemde,

Ina Smith
E-Research Repository Manager
Library and Information Service
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Fax:  +27 21 808 3723
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X5037, 7599
South Africa
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>


Ina Smith
Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Faks: +27 21 808 3723
Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Privaatsak X5037, 7599
Kantoorure: Ma-Vr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>

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Dear Colleagues

Please take note of the following information re the submission of theses and dissertations within SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/>. Also share this information with lecturers, supervisors, students etc.

Deadline for submission of theses/ dissertations within SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/> for the March 2010 graduation<http://www.mymaties.com/portal/page/portal/STUDENT_PAGE_GROUP/MYMATIES_HOME/Graduation> ceremony: 25 February 2010
The Library and Information Service does not accept any printed copies. (To obtain a copy of your dissertation in printed format, please contact  AFRICAN SUN MeDIA<http://www.africansunmedia.co.za/?Task=CompanyInfo&CategoryID=3762>.)

The complete process only involves 3 steps:
1. Lecturer/ Supervisor nominates candidate (see Nomination process information attached). The nomination screen will only be available from Wednesday 13 January within the "MyMatie"-portal.
2. Student submits PDF-thesis/ dissertation to SUNeTD.
3. Lecturer accepts PDF-thesis/ dissertation as correct.


Conversion to PDF-format

-          The University requires the conversion  of theses/ dissertations to one PDF-file before being uploaded to SUNeTD<https://etd.sun.ac.za/jspui/ldap-login>. Use e.g. CutePDF Writer<http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/Writer.asp> to convert the original document (guidelines for using CutePDF Writer attached).

-          Save the PDF-version of your thesis/ dissertation according to the following file naming convention: Surname, Initials e.g. Smith, E.S.pdf

It at all times remains the student's responsibility to:

-          Verify the contents of the converted PDF file in order to ensure that no structure or content within the original source document was lost or manipulated during the conversion process.

-          Ensure that the first 4 pages (Title page, Declaration, Opsomming, Abstract) of the final work have been structured correctly according to the guidelines in the General Yearbook<http://www.lib.sun.ac.za/Library/etd/General%20Yearbook%20-%20theses%20and%20dissertations.pdf> (See example electronic declaration attached).

-          No logo or emblem should display on the title page of the final work. (Library staff will add the SU crest and additional e-securities to your thesis/ dissertation during the final stages of processing).

Submission of thesis/ dissertation to SUNeTD
You can submit your thesis/ dissertation after being nominated by your lecturer/ supervisor at https://etd.sun.ac.za/jspui/ldap-login. Login using your campus username and follow the very simple instructions.

The electronic submission process can be conducted by either an examinator OR the supervisor OR a departmental officer.

Problems re passwords for signing on to  SUNeTD<http://etd.sun.ac.za/ldap-login>
Change your password or find more help at:  www.sun.ac.za/password<http://www.sun.ac.za/password>

You are more than welcome to contact the SUNScholar-office if you have any queries or experience any problems.
E-mail: scholar at sun.ac.za<mailto:scholar at sun.ac.za>
Tel.: 021 808 9139
Skype: smith.ina

Also visit our web page for more information:  http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/index.htm

Kind regards and thank you for your assistance re the above,

Many thanks to Anita Liebenberg for her help re the above.

Ina Smith
E-Research Repository Manager
Library and Information Service
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Fax:  +27 21 808 3723
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X5037, 7599
South Africa
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>


Ina Smith
Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens
Tel:  +27 21 808 9139
Faks: +27 21 808 3723
Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Privaatsak X5037, 7599
Kantoorure: Ma-Vr: 08h00-16h30
Skype: smith.ina
E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za<http://library.sun.ac.za/>

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