[SUNScholar] Voorberei van tesisse/verhandelinge vir oplaai op SUNScholar (voorheen SUNeTD) - Preparation of theses/dissertations for submission to SUNScholar (previously SUNeTD)
Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za>
ismith at sun.ac.za
Mon Aug 2 17:28:09 SAST 2010
Beste almal
Met die volgende inhandigingsproses vir tesisse/verhandelinge om die draai, wil ons julle net weer verwys na die riglyne in die Jaarboek, en onder almal se aandag bring dat die oplaai van tesisse/verhandelinge verpligtend is. Sien asb. die Algemene Jaarboek by http://www.sun.ac.za/university/jaarboek/indeks.htm
Dit is eties nie korrek om aan 'n dokument te verander nadat dit op die stelsel gelaai is nie. Daarom 'n vriendelike versoek dat alle studente se finale dokumente asb. aan die riglyne volgens die Jaarboek voldoen, wat opgesom is by http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/afr/voorberei.htm
Elke tesis/verhandeling moet 'n voorafgedeelte met die volgende bevat:
Titelbladsy (template met US "crest" beskikbaar by http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/afr/voorberei.htm. "Crest" verskyn slegs op die titelbladsy, en op geen ander bladsy.)
'n Goedkeuringsbrief deur die Senaat moet asb. tesisse/verhandelinge vergesel waarop 'n embargo van toepassing is.
Portaalstelsel Studenterekords (nomineringsproses): Jan du Toit E-pos: jgdt at sun.ac.za<mailto:jgdt at sun.ac.za> Tel.: 021 808 9137
SUNScholar (oplaai van dokument): E-pos: scholar at sun.ac.za<mailto:scholar at sun.ac.za> Tel.: 021 808 9139/9046
Probleme met wagwoorde: http://www0.sun.ac.za/password/formfront.php
Druk van tesisse/verhandelinge: AFRICAN SUN MeDIA http://www.africansunmedia.co.za/
Kommunikeer gerus bg. inligting aan studente wat gedurende Desember gradueer. Baie dankie - ons het elkeen se hulp nodig om te verseker dat SU navorsingsbates veilig bewaar word.
Vriendelike groete
Ina (namens die SUNScholar-span)
Dear Colleagues
The submission process of theses/dissertations is around the corner, and we would like to point your attention to the guidelines in the Calendar. Please note that the submission of final versions of theses/dissertation is mandatory. See the General Calendar at http://www.sun.ac.za/university/jaarboek/
Since it is not ethically correct to change a document after it has been submitted, a kind request that all students please compile the front matter according to the guidelines summarised at http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/english/prepare.htm
Each thesis/dissertation should contain the following front matter:
Title page (templates with US "crest" available at http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/english/prepare.htm . Crest only to appear on title page.)
A letter of approval by Senate should accompany each thesis/dissertation to which an embargo apply.
Contact details
Portal Student Records (nomination process): Jan du Toit E-mail: jgdt at sun.ac.za<mailto:jgdt at sun.ac.za> Tel.: 021 808 9137
SUNScholar (submission of document): E-mail: scholar at sun.ac.za<mailto:scholar at sun.ac.za> Tel.: 021 420 9139/9046
Problems with passwords: http://www0.sun.ac.za/password/formfront.php
Printing of theses/dissertations: AFRICAN SUN MeDIA http://www.africansunmedia.co.za/
Also communicate the above info to students who will be graduating during December. Many thanks - we need your help to ensure that all research assets from the University are properly preserved.
With kind regards
Ina (on behalf of the SUNScholar Team)
Ina Smith
E-Research Repository Manager | Library and Information Service | University of Stellenbosch | Private Bag X5036, 7599 | South Africa
E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za> | Tel: +27 21 808 9139 | Skype: smith.ina | Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
E-Navorsingsbewaarplekbestuurder | Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens | Universiteit van Stellenbosch | Privaatsak X5036, 7599 | Suid-Afrika
E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za> | Tel: +27 21 808 9139 | Skype: smith.ina | Kantoorure: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
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