[Scholar] Invitation: Skype-session/ Uitnodiging: Skype-sessie

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Thu Dec 3 11:51:51 SAST 2009

Dear all

This is an invitation to a Skype session this afternoon. Very informal.

Time: 14:00 in your own office

This is how it will work:

1.       We are looking for a proper Afrikaans word for the repository. Please think of any alternatives instead of "e-pakhuis".

2.       Please add usscholar as a contact to your Skype account.

3.       You can sit in your office and continue with other work while the discussion goes on.

4.       Hope to meet you all at 14:00!

Kind regards
Beste almal

Hierdie is 'n uitnodiging na 'n Skype-sessie vanmiddag. Baie informeel.

Tyd: 14:00 in jou eie kantoor.

Dit sal soos volg werk:

1.       Ons is op soek na 'n algemeen aanvaarde word vir die woord "repository". Dink solank aan alternatiewe in plaas van "e-pakhuis".

2.       Voeg asb. usscholar by as 'n kontak op jou Skype-rekening.

3.       Jy kan in die gerief van jou eie kantoor sit terwyl die bespreking aangaan.

4.       Hoop om julle almal om 14:00 virtueel te ontmoet!


Ina Smith
Digital Librarian
Library and Information Service
Tel:  +27 21 808 4399
Fax:  +27 21 808 3723
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X5037, 7599
South Africa
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30
E-mail: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:chen at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za


Ina Smith
Digitale Bibliotekaris
Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens
Tel:  +27 21 808 4399
Faks: +27 21 808 3723
Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Privaatsak X5037, 7599
Kantoorure: Ma-Vr: 08h00-16h30
E-pos: ismith at sun.ac.za<mailto:chen at sun.ac.za>
Web: http://library.sun.ac.za

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