<div dir="ltr">This 200+ page report presents data from a survey of 63 colleges in North America. It helps its readers to answer questions such as: What kind of new tools and instructional practices are they adopting in information literacy instruction? What have been the results of these efforts? Which new approaches have they retained? Which discarded? What are their plans for the future? What has been their experience with blended learning, new programming codes, classroom response technologies and gamification? How have they used animation? Web based video tutorial creation tools? Which programs, apps and websites are they using? What has been the impact of the growth of mobile technologies such as tablet computers on their information literacy instruction practices? How about the role of social network? How are they evaluating new technologies? How do they assess online gaming approaches to information literacy? And much more.<div>
<br><a href="http://www.primaryresearch.com/view_product.php?report_id=492">http://www.primaryresearch.com/view_product.php?report_id=492</a></div></div>