<div dir="ltr">Institutional open access (OA) policies are a primary tool in the effort to allow academics to retain control of their own work. MIT and Harvard were the first to adopt such policies; now hundreds of institutions have similar policies.<br>
<br>In short, the policy ensures that KAUST has non-exclusive rights to distribute all research done at KAUST. This right precedes any publishing or copyright agreement terms. It also places a responsibility on KAUST faculty to provide a pre-print of each paper to the library.<br>
<br><b><font color="#ff0000">The policy has nothing to do with publishing in open access journals (so-called Gold OA)</font></b>. Authors continue to publish in the same manner as before.<br><br>KAUST’s OA policy is based closely on the text recommended by the Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP). HOAP was an extremely valuable resource for us in developing a policy and convincing the faculty, administration, and legal team to approve it.<div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;display:inline">
</div><div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;display:inline"></div><br><a href="http://www.davidketcheson.info/2014/07/01/KAUST_goes_open_access.html">http://www.davidketcheson.info/2014/07/01/KAUST_goes_open_access.html</a></div>