<div dir="ltr">Mabbett’s goal is to expand the benefits of ORCIDs, which are unique scholar identifiers, by giving academics a means of linking Wikipedia works they have contributed to or that mention them to their ORCID IDs. At the same time, <b><font color="#ff0000">the ORCID integration project will give Wikipedia visitors a way to learn more about the writers or subjects of the articles they are reading</font></b>, via the individuals’ linked ORCID pages, in order to know the qualifications of the sources their information is coming from.<div>
<br><a href="http://blog.scholasticahq.com/post/87810012013/interview-with-andy-mabbett-orcid-ambassador-and#.U5MBjlSSxNC">http://blog.scholasticahq.com/post/87810012013/interview-with-andy-mabbett-orcid-ambassador-and#.U5MBjlSSxNC</a></div>