<div dir="ltr">A typical Linux server runs in a command line interface (CLI) environment, preloaded with bare essential tools needed to install and configure various headless services. Compared to a full-blown GUI desktop image, such a minimal setup is advantageous in terms of security, resource consumption and speed.<br>
<br>If you are used to GUI-based environment, however, you may wonder whether there is a GUI for Linux server. A typical Linux desktop environment like GNOME, KDE, etc. will probably be too resource-heavy for what it's worth, and not as secure simply because there will be more code subject to potential security vulnerabilities<div>
<br><a href="http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/manage-linux-server-gui.html?goback=%2Egde_27258_member_5808570885942059011#%21">http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/manage-linux-server-gui.html?goback=%2Egde_27258_member_5808570885942059011#%21</a></div>