[IRTalk] Announcing next OASPA Webinar: Scholarly Communication in Crisis: Research Integrity and Open Scholarship

Bernie Folan bernie.folan at oaspa.org
Thu Mar 30 00:22:31 SAST 2023

OASPA is delighted to announce our next webinar, happening on April
19: *Scholarly
Communication in Crisis: Research Integrity and Open Scholarship*

Research integrity and ethical standards for publication underpin the
research endeavor. The integrity of scholarly communications is dependent
on the trust of the research community in the peer review and publication
processes that are part of it. However, this confidence is starting to
break down, due to a significant rise in unethical research and publication
practices, fueled by academic incentive structures heavily skewed toward
certain types of publication metrics.

This problem is a complex and interconnected one and this webinar brings
together experts to explore the question of whether open scholarship
practices and tools can help detect malpractices and be part of the
solution. The speakers will approach this shared problem from a variety of
angles, albeit all through the lens of open research and scholarship and
how they are building open tools and evidencing the impact of their work.

We welcome our panelists *Dorothy Bishop*, *Adam Day *and b, and our
Chair, *Catriona
MacCallum*. See this blog post
full information including speaker biographies.  Please join us live
<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3Q9aOMSFQDiVuvJwStF7Zw> for
this free webinar and contribute to the discussion.

Link to registration page: https://bit.ly/April2023_OASPA_Webinar  Please
share with all you think may be interested.

We are grateful to our webinar series sponsors *Royal Society of Chemistry*
, *TrendMD* and *Hindawi* for their generous support which enables us to
make our webinars available to all.

Best wishes,

Bernie Folan

> Communications, Engagement and Outreach Manager, OASPA
>> OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association
>> bernie.folan at oaspa.org
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