[IRTalk] A reminder of next week's OASPA webinar: Shadow Libraries and Access to Knowledge: Origins, Policies, Legality, and Accessibility (May 12)

Bernie Folan bernie.folan at oaspa.org
Thu May 5 09:00:00 SAST 2022

A reminder of OASPA's next webinar entitled *Shadow Libraries and Access to
Knowledge: Origins, Policies, Legality, and Accessibility *which will take
place on May 12.

Large segments of the scholarly literature, both from backlist catalogs and
new publications, continue to be only accessible behind paywall
infrastructures. This poses a challenge to those scholars not affiliated
with well funded research institutions, in particular in the Global South,
exacerbating extant inequities.

At the same time, the often cumbersome user interfaces of paywall-protected
platforms continue to prevent efficient usage by researchers who do happen
to have access to these materials. As a result, an ecosystem of so-called
“shadow libraries” has evolved, developing different strategies to make
closed content accessible to a wide scholarly public. Contrary to for
example the music and movie industries, the academic publishing industry
has been unable to formulate a platform solution that would provide an

This OASPA webinar will address the origins and architecture of these forms
of widely used online repositories, their position in relation to Open
Access policies, legal aspects in terms of copyright and fair use, and what
they can teach us in terms of accessibility.

The webinar will be chaired by *Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei* (punctum
books) and we welcome panelists *Arul George Scaria* (National Law
University Delhi), *Martin Paul Eve* (Birkbeck), *Marcell Mars* (Memory of
the World, Pirate Care) and *Balász Bodó* (University of Amsterdam).

Please join us
<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lSLYh9SaSru6fhZcn6tlFw> live
for this free webinar and contribute to the discussion. Full information is
available on this blog post
<https://oaspa.org/webinar-shadow-libraries-and-access-to-knowledge/>.  Link
to registration page: bit.ly/May22-OASPAWebinar*.  *Please share with your

With thanks to OASPA's 2022 Webinar Series sponsors  - *Royal Society of
Chemistry*, *Atypon, Trend MD *and *Hindawi *- whose support enables us to
make our webinars available to everyone.

Best wishes,

*Bernie Folan*
Communications, Engagement and Outreach Manager, OASPA
OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association
bernie.folan at oaspa.org
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