[IRTalk] FW: [EIFL-OA] First in-depth report on open access diamond journals just published

Leti Kleyn leti.kleyn at up.ac.za
Tue Mar 9 14:00:54 SAST 2021

*From:* Iryna Kuchma <iryna.kuchma at eifl.net>
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 9, 2021 1:17 PM
*To:* eifloa <eifloa at lists.eifl.net>
*Subject:* [EIFL-OA] First in-depth report on open access diamond journals
just published

[Forwarded message from *Vanessa Proudman* <vproudman at sparceurope.org>]

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for cross-posting.

We are pleased to announce the completion of a study on open access diamond
journals: namely free to readers and authors. It is the first study of its
kind. It was commissioned by cOAlition S
and funded by Science Europe <https://www.scienceeurope.org/> in order to
gain a better understanding of the OA diamond landscape. It is the
culmination of work undertaken from June 2020 to February 2021 by a
consortium of 10 organisations: OPERAS <http://operas-eu.org/>, SPARC Europe
<https://sparceurope.org/>, Utrecht University <https://www.uu.nl/en>, DOAJ
<https://doaj.org/>, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
<https://en.uit.no/startsida>, LIBER <https://libereurope.eu/>, OASPA
<https://oaspa.org/>, ENRESSH <https://enressh.eu/>, Redalyc-AmeliCA
<http://amelica.org/>, and CSI <http://www.csi.mines-paristech.fr/en/>.

The in-depth report shines light on a community-driven open access
publishing model. The OA diamond model promotes both inclusivity and
bibliodiversity as it serves a wide range of disciplines, languages,
countries and communities. It makes open access publishing truly accessible
to all since it removes some of the financial hurdles that researchers
struggle with. For all the characteristics mentioned above, sustaining the
OA diamond is of crucial importance.

The findings and recommendations point to clearly defined areas where
research funding organisations, institutions, scholarly societies and
infrastructures can help OA diamond thrive in the future. We focus on areas
to strengthen and sustain OA diamond journals and the ecosystem in which OA
diamond journals operate and aim to assist these journals in complying with
Plan S.

*Key findings of the report:*

   1. A vast archipelago (estimated at 29,000) of relatively small journals
   exists and serves a wide range of communities
   2. OA diamond journals are on the road to full compliance with Plan S
   3. Scientific strengths and operational challenges exist in a mix of
   areas from legal structures to technical capabilities to editorial
   processes or funding models
   4. OA diamond journals largely depend on volunteers, universities and
   government to operate

*Key recommendations:*

   1. Streamline technical support
   2. Ensure compliance with Plan S
   3. Build capacity
   4. Increase effectiveness
   5. Sustain and invest in the future

*Kick-start actions:*

   1. Prepare an International Workshop and Symposium on OA diamond within
   6 months to initiate a global conversation among different stakeholders
   2. Set up an OA diamond Funding Strategy within 1 year to implement
   funding recommendations
   3. Build the OA diamond Capacity Center within 2 years to support the
   implementation of recommendations

We invite you to read the report <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4558704>and
separately published set of recommendations
<https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4562790> and to look at the additional
materials that we have shared with the community for further research and
reuse: the study dataset <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4553103>, the
library <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4562816>, and the crowdsourced Journals
Inventory <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4562828>.

Download a 2-page summary of the report’s main takeaways here

The study group looks forward to facilitating a discussion with the OA
diamond community and its stakeholders in the coming weeks about our
proposed approach. Please check this web page
https://www.operas-eu.org/the-oa-diamond-journals-study for updates on
upcoming events.

Best wishes, Vanessa


Vanessa Proudman

Director, SPARC Europe



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