[IRTalk] FW: Copyright & A2K Issues - 19 February 2020 (Denise Nicholson's Information Service)

Dr Leti Kleyn Leti at assaf.org.za
Mon Mar 30 11:15:25 SAST 2020

Exceptional links to information on predatory publishing.


Dr Leti Kleyn
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Science Advisory Programme

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-----Original Message-----
From: Copyrightanda2kinfo [mailto:copyrightanda2kinfo-bounces at lists.wits.ac.za] On Behalf Of Denise Nicholson
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2020 12:00
To: copyrightanda2kinfo at lists.wits.ac.za
Subject: [Copyrightanda2kinfo] FW: Copyright & A2K Issues - 19 February 2020 (Denise Nicholson's Information Service)
Importance: High

Good day,

See: Copyright & A2K Issues - 19 February 2020

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Denise Nicholson (Mrs), BA HDip Lib(Unisa); LLM(Wits) Scholarly Communications Librarian - orcid.org/0000-0002-8591-3276 Scholarly Communications & Copyright Services Office University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg The Library, Private Bag X1, WITS, 2050, South Africa
Email: Denise.Nicholson at wits.ac.za<mailto:Denise.Nicholson at wits.ac.za>
Tel. No. + 27 11 717-1929 : Mobile:  +27 83 4422572 (for urgent calls only) LibGuides - http://libguides.wits.ac.za/prf.php?account_id=25548
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