[IRTalk] nvitation to attend a workshop on 'Roles and Skills for Research Data Management, 3-4 March 2020, University of Pretoria

Johann Van Wyk johann.vanwyk at up.ac.za
Wed Feb 12 08:32:44 SAST 2020

Dear Colleagues

The University of Pretoria would like to extend an invitation to all
Research Data Management/Data Curation professionals to attend a 2-day RDM
Workshop, which will be hosted by the University of Pretoria Library
Services in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh Library.  The
title of the workshop is 'Roles and Skills for Research Data Management'.

The workshop will take place on 3-4 March 2020 at the Research Commons,
Groenkloof Education Library, University of Pretoria, and will be
facilitated by Ms Robin Rice from University of Edinburgh Library.

For further details please see attached the invitation brochure, programme
and payment form.

Dr Johann van Wyk
Assistant Director: Scholarly Communications
Department of Library Services
Merensky 2 Building, Room 6-28
University of Pretoria
Tel: +27-12-4205651 <+27124205651>, Fax: +27-12-3625182
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2869-4377

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