[IRTalk] Webinar Invitation: Let's ROR Together: An Introduction to the Research Organization Registry
Ina Smith
Ina at assaf.org.za
Fri Aug 14 20:22:19 SAST 2020
The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
cordially invites you to register for a webinar on
Let's ROR Together: An Introduction to the Research Organization Registry
Date: 26 August 2020
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Venue: Webinar
RSVP: Click here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScP67ohMf_LJKNNHu6ympwGXSim4TBvN4qi6av3pfMZjhC5Yg/viewform> by 11:00 on 26 August 2020
Requirements: Stable internet access. More details will be communicated to registered participants before the webinar.
Enquiries: Contact Ms Mmaphuthi Mashiachidi, Project Administrator at Mmaphuthi at assaf.org.za
The Research Organization Registry (ROR)<https://ror.org/> launched in 2019 and now contains open persistent identifiers (ROR IDs) and associated metadata for more than 98,000 research organizations around the world. ROR is uniquely focused on solving the specific problem of how to identify the organizations associated with published research outputs, and on solving this problem with open infrastructure and with extensive community input. Wide adoption of ROR across the research landscape is key to enabling clean, consistent, and open metadata for tracking research outputs by institutions. This webinar will provide an overview of the ROR registry, demonstrate how ROR IDs are being used and integrated, and discuss upcoming milestones for the project.
Maria Gould, California Digital Library/ROR Project Lead
Presenter Biography
Maria Gould is a product manager and research data specialist at California Digital Library at the University of California, where she leads a portfolio of innovative projects and initiatives concerned with the use of persistent identifiers throughout the scholarly communication ecosystem.
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