[IRTalk] Fwd: Measures to control the spread of COVID-19

Wynand Van Der Walt w.vanderwalt at ru.ac.za
Tue Apr 7 10:03:51 SAST 2020

Dear Colleagues,
I think the following FAQ will address the issues, in terms of normal
versus current aloowances. See:



On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 09:47, Charlie Molepo <MolepoCM at ufs.ac.za> wrote:

> 1)      Frequently used materials (often short-loan materials) only
> available in print format and of which the university has lawfully acquired
> print copies can be digitised, provided no online alternative is available.
> Under these circumstances, universities may apply to DALRO on a
> case-by-case basis to make digitised copies of such print materials and
> host them on the normal university infrastructure within the normally
> permitted limits, where such infrastructure now also allows remote access
> to affiliated students.
> We have already paid for this material, what informs the rate they are
> using bearing in mind that its only for a limited period. For example the
> annual rate is R1,07. Their limited price from April to September is R1,07.
> If you ask me that is pure exploitation of public institutions especially
> since is not even budgeted for.
> Digital materials available under a restricted university-wide licence
> that need to be accessed remotely, universities may apply to DALRO to
> allow a case-by-case emergency licence, lifting these restrictions, and
> universities to host the digital materials on the normal university
> learning materials system. If necessary, DALRO will liaise with the
> publisher.
> All our electronic materials are under strict university-wide and can be
> accessed remotely only by bona fide university students. We have invested a
> lot of money in sourcing Virtual Protected Network and Proxy systems
> precisely for that reason, and why should we now pay extra for something we
> have access to it anyway. If what you are saying is true, then it is not
> assistance. I thought this assistance was to allow us for a limited period
> to be able to upload the content for FREE.(we still have to spend money
> in digitizing)
> 3) Ancillary materials normally made available to lecturers: These
> materials can be made available to students on the university learning
> materials system for use by lecturers in audio-visual tutorials and
> teaching sessions or distance education sessions. To see publishers’
> materials available for this use, go to the PASA website at
> http://www.publishsa.co.za/COVID-19Assistance
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.publishsa.co.za_COVID-2D19Assistance&d=DwMFaQ&c=vTCSeBKl9YZZHWJzz-zQUQ&r=rF5ad0e5nLAQ77FXyxUFljCH19_rVOyxpp35vgWuN64&m=vX9eJBE5AFxGHWFkKWnTVMk_pyrNiuP6zLtOAyq-clA&s=49FWzLfKuZiMFedaEPk2T9fU3DH2m_rvYJ85ZuQ6CDY&e=>
> .
> Why should we pay for something that we already own, that is my question.
> You must also remember that some of these ancillary materials Lecturers add
> value to them so its not purely their content.
> [image: UFS Logo]
> *Charlie Maphuntshane Molepo PL(SA)*
> Deputy-Director Research & Scholarly Communications: Library & Information
> Services
> PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa
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> MolepoCM at ufs.ac.za
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> *From:* Wynand Van Der Walt <w.vanderwalt at ru.ac.za>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 07 April 2020 9:19 AM
> *To:* Charlie Molepo <MolepoCM at ufs.ac.za>
> *Cc:* SealsVital at lists.ru.ac.za; Connie Bitso <cbitso at ufh.ac.za>; Pateka
> Ntshutshe-Matshaya <pntshuntshe-matshaya at wsu.ac.za>; Allwright, Maretha
> (Mrs) (Summerstrand Campus North) <Maretha.Allwright at mandela.ac.za>;
> Saunders, Suzanne (Ms) (Summerstrand Campus North) <
> Suzanne.Saunders at mandela.ac.za>; irtalk at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
> *Subject:* Re: [IRTalk] Fwd: Measures to control the spread of COVID-19
> Hi Charlie and Colleagues,
> I interpret the letter differently. It highlighted the agreement that
> supports universities during this period in that they "may need to
> reproduce licenced works beyond the DALRO-mandated limit". There is
> definitely no double-dipping, but an extension to include larger portions
> of materials, and possibly materials not normally included. The way we, as
> Rhodes University Library interpreted it, includes the following provisions
> that DALRO and PASA made:
> 1) Frequently used materials (often short-loan materials) only available
> in print format and of which the university has lawfully acquired print
> copies can be digitised, provided no online alternative is available. Under
> these circumstances, universities may apply to DALRO on a case-by-case
> basis to make digitised copies of such print materials and host them on the
> normal university infrastructure within the normally permitted limits,
> where such infrastructure now also allows remote access to affiliated
> students.
> 2) Digital materials available under a restricted university-wide licence
> that need to be accessed remotely, universities may apply to DALRO to
> allow a case-by-case emergency licence, lifting these restrictions, and
> universities to host the digital materials on the normal university
> learning materials system. If necessary, DALRO will liaise with the
> publisher.
> 3) Ancillary materials normally made available to lecturers: These
> materials can be made available to students on the university learning
> materials system for use by lecturers in audio-visual tutorials and
> teaching sessions or distance education sessions. To see publishers’
> materials available for this use, go to the PASA website at
> http://www.publishsa.co.za/COVID-19Assistance
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.publishsa.co.za_COVID-2D19Assistance&d=DwMFaQ&c=vTCSeBKl9YZZHWJzz-zQUQ&r=rF5ad0e5nLAQ77FXyxUFljCH19_rVOyxpp35vgWuN64&m=vX9eJBE5AFxGHWFkKWnTVMk_pyrNiuP6zLtOAyq-clA&s=49FWzLfKuZiMFedaEPk2T9fU3DH2m_rvYJ85ZuQ6CDY&e=>
> .
> I do, on a personal level, wish that the president does sign the copyright
> amendment bill as a matter of urgency. For a status report as to where the
> proposed copyright amendment bill is at currently, see Denise Nicholson's
> report: http://infojustice.org/archives/42212
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__infojustice.org_archives_42212&d=DwMFaQ&c=vTCSeBKl9YZZHWJzz-zQUQ&r=rF5ad0e5nLAQ77FXyxUFljCH19_rVOyxpp35vgWuN64&m=vX9eJBE5AFxGHWFkKWnTVMk_pyrNiuP6zLtOAyq-clA&s=jxlm2td6wqf5Oj84UmS0r3_8FbUyby3cJcZspH2V57s&e=>
> .
> Regards,
> Wynand
> On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 09:02, Charlie Molepo <MolepoCM at ufs.ac.za> wrote:
> Dear All,
> This DALRO letter seems to be misleading. It creates an impression that
> DALRO & PASA are making an offer to libraries to upload the content to
> trusted LMS for free for a limited period to assist with learning
> off-campus. In actual fact, when you apply to do precisely that, you are
> then given a quotation. Why the double-dipping? Since we have already paid
> for the resources, and some institution has already paid to the
> reproduction of course packs, and now we are expected to pay when we want
> to upload the same content that we have paid for in our LMS.
> Maybe its time that we put pressure on the President to sign the Copyright
> Amendment Act. This is getting out of control with these companies taking
> advantage of the situation.
> I think this is just plain exploitation of public institution during this
> difficult time, and maybe we also need to report this to the relevant
> government department
> [image: UFS Logo]
> *Charlie Maphuntshane Molepo PL(SA)*
> Deputy-Director Research & Scholarly Communications: Library & Information
> Services
> PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa
> [image: http://apps.ufs.ac.za/emailsignature/siteimages/icon_tel.jpg]
>  051/401-2032
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>  27828393749
> [image: http://apps.ufs.ac.za/emailsignature/siteimages/icon_mail.jpg]
> MolepoCM at ufs.ac.za
> [image: cid:17153736f16afa3b87]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.facebook.com_home.php-23-21_pages_University-2Dof-2Dthe-2DFree-2DState_175257709184139&d=DwMFaQ&c=vTCSeBKl9YZZHWJzz-zQUQ&r=rF5ad0e5nLAQ77FXyxUFljCH19_rVOyxpp35vgWuN64&m=vX9eJBE5AFxGHWFkKWnTVMk_pyrNiuP6zLtOAyq-clA&s=_w8ggFTQxsqXg6bTQ_fwTJMiGswVuBZzBMStXL0ccU0&e=>
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> [image: http://apps.ufs.ac.za/emailsignature/siteimages/inspire.jpg]
> *From:* IRTalk <irtalk-bounces at lists.lib.sun.ac.za> *On Behalf Of *Wynand
> Van Der Walt
> *Sent:* Monday, 30 March 2020 11:15 AM
> *To:* SealsVital at lists.ru.ac.za; Connie Bitso <cbitso at ufh.ac.za>; Pateka
> Ntshutshe-Matshaya <pntshuntshe-matshaya at wsu.ac.za>; Allwright, Maretha
> (Mrs) (Summerstrand Campus North) <Maretha.Allwright at mandela.ac.za>;
> Saunders, Suzanne (Ms) (Summerstrand Campus North) <
> Suzanne.Saunders at mandela.ac.za>; irtalk at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
> *Subject:* [IRTalk] Fwd: Measures to control the spread of COVID-19
> Dear Colleagues
> Please find the attached correspondence in relation to the current State
> of Disaster as declared by the State President Cyril Ramaphosa. The
> attached speaks to Publishers' assistance to universities during the
> COVID-19 national disaster period. Should you have further questions please
> do not hesitate to contact DALRO on the mentioned email address.
> Please share this with other colleagues in your institution.
> Kind Regards
> *Leemisa Molapisi *Manager: Operations
> [image: http://www.dalro.co.za/updated_sig/images/signature_03.jpg]
> Office: +27 (0)11 712-8327 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 648-6299
> Email: leemisa.molapisi at dalro.co.za | LinkedIn: Leemisa Molapisi
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> Wynand Van Der Walt
> Head Librarian: Technical Services
> Rhodes University Library
> t: +27 (0) 46 603 8281
> Library, Artillery Road, Grahamstown, 6139
> PO Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa
> www.ru.ac.za/library
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ru.ac.za&d=DwMFaQ&c=vTCSeBKl9YZZHWJzz-zQUQ&r=rF5ad0e5nLAQ77FXyxUFljCH19_rVOyxpp35vgWuN64&m=vX9eJBE5AFxGHWFkKWnTVMk_pyrNiuP6zLtOAyq-clA&s=VK-MVMcncShEKR25g3_QOcnTlaAhYtJerGXZ4BLIDnA&e=>


Wynand Van Der Walt
Head Librarian: Technical Services
Rhodes University Library
t: +27 (0) 46 603 8281
Library, Artillery Road, Grahamstown, 6139
PO Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa
www.ru.ac.za/library <https://www.ru.ac.za>
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