[IRTalk] Access to information for sustainable development in the digital age: the role of libraries and archives in Africa

Dr Leti Kleyn Leti at assaf.org.za
Tue Jan 22 09:29:23 SAST 2019

First University of South Africa Biennial International Conference on Library and Information Science Research in Africa (UNILISA)
11 - 15 March 2019
Theme: Access to information for sustainable development in the digital age: the role of libraries and archives in Africa

Doctoral Forum: Functional Hall at Kgorong Building UNISA.
Main Conference: Leriba Hotel, Centurion in Gauteng, 245 End Ave Club


·         Doctoral Forum (11 - 12 March 2019)
·         Main Conference (13 -15 March 2019)

All authors will be notified of the acceptance/rejection of their abstracts by 31 OCTOBER  2018.
Library and Information Science plays an important role in transforming society. In line with the University of South Africa's mission of being an African University shaping futures in service to humanity, UNILISA strives to provide a forum for scholars from different African countries, and further afield, to reflect on original and innovative ways of enhancing the role of Information Science and libraries and information services in transforming society and promoting the development of the African continent.
This conference is one of a series of UNILISA conferences that will provide opportunities to establish a research network of academics and information professionals from across Africa and beyond. The need for a comprehensive comparative analysis of Library and Information Science from both an African and a global perspective cannot be underestimated. UNILISA hopes to provide a forum for the sharing of experiences that will direct future research on teaching and research in Library and Information Science on the continent.
The UNILISA conference series also seeks to provide an opportunity for capacity building, as well as a supportive setting for feedback to and mentoring of doctoral students by senior academics in Library and Information Science.
The research papers presented at the conferences will be peer reviewed and published in either Mousaion, which is an accredited journal of Information Science, or in a peer-reviewed, edited book that will provide material on the African perspective on the role of libraries and information services in transforming the continent and enhancing development.

Dr Leti Kleyn
Programme Officer: Humanities & STEM Education
Science Advisory Programme
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