[IRTalk] Mapping Open Science Tools By LETTIE Y. CONRAD

Nason Bimbe nasonbimbe at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 15:49:13 SAST 2018

In order to contribute analytical food for thought at this week’s Joint
Roadmap for Open Science workshop, I was invited to facilitate discussion
on the current landscape of open science tools and the opportunities for
new or improved digital products in service of the research workflow. Among
many things, Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (JROST) members came
together to consider where they might collaborate and innovate to solve
problems for scientists and further their shared goals in achieving an
open, transparent, and non-profit vision for scholarly communications.

Nason Bimbe

Tel. +44 (0)7535 250339
Email. nasonbimbe at gmail.com
Skype. bimben
Twitter. @nbimbe
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