[IRTalk] FW: OJS Open Access Journal Hosting Services by South African Universities

Ina Smith Ina at assaf.org.za
Thu Feb 23 12:27:18 SAST 2017


From: NSEF [mailto:nsef-bounces at lists.assaf.org.za] On Behalf Of Ina Smith
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 12:26 PM
To: NSEF LISTS <nsef at lists.assaf.org.za>
Subject: [NSEF] OJS Open Access Journal Hosting Services by South African Universities

Dear SA Scholarly Journal Editors

During the past year or two, more and more SA journals have made the transition to Open Access, improving access, visibility, and impact. Open Source Software such as Open Journal Systems<https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/> is now widely used by many publishers, and in addition to publishers or other hosts/directories/indexes, more and more universities are hosting their own. The universities are rich in terms of researchers taking ownership for the workflow involved in scholarly journal publishing: editors, reviewers, layout editors, copy editors, proofreaders, metadata editors (librarians) and more. At the same time, capacity is developed and responsibility is shared among all, following a collaborative approach, in support of the Open Source philosophy. Once the journals are online and open, it can apply for inclusion in directories such as DOAJ<https://doaj.org/>.

The following universities are exploring/have implemented OJS as a service.

Eastern Cape Universities (under the SEALS Consortium)
Inquiries: Wynand Van Der Walt w.vanderwalt at ru.ac.za<mailto:w.vanderwalt at ru.ac.za>

University of Cape Town
Inquiries:  Jill Claassen jill.claassen at uct.ac.za<mailto:jill.claassen at uct.ac.za>

University of the Free State
Inquiries:  Cornelle Scheltema-Van Wyk Cornelle at ufs.ac.za<mailto:Cornelle at ufs.ac.za>

University of KwaZulu-Natal
Inquiries: Faith Nomusa Bhengu Bhengun1 at ukzn.ac.za<mailto:Bhengun1 at ukzn.ac.za>

North-West University
Inquiries:  Zandre Duvenhage zandre at skryflabpotch.co.za<mailto:zandre at skryflabpotch.co.za> or Tobie Van Dyk Tobie.VanDyk at nwu.ac.za<mailto:Tobie.VanDyk at nwu.ac.za>

University of Pretoria
Inquiries:  Leti Kleyn Leti.Kleyn at up.ac.za<mailto:Leti.Kleyn at up.ac.za>

University of Stellenbosch
Inquiries:  Wouter Klapwijk wklap at sun.ac.za<mailto:wklap at sun.ac.za>

University of the Western Cape
Inquiries:  Allison Fullard afullard at uwc.ac.za<mailto:afullard at uwc.ac.za>

University of South Africa
Inquiries: Pieter Rall rallpb at unisa.ac.za<mailto:rallpb at unisa.ac.za>

Please refer to the ASSAf Wiki<http://academyofsciencesa.wikispaces.com/Open+Journal+Systems+%28OJS%29> for more information on other hosting solutions.

Kind regards

Ina Smith
Planning Manager, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
DOAJ Ambassador, Southern Africa Region
LIASA Librarian of the Year 2016

[cid:image001.gif at 01D28DCE.72538020]<http://orcid.org/>  http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9710-3668

Switchboard: +27 12 349 6600
Tel: +27 12 349 6641
Fax: +27 (0) 86 576 9512
Email: ina at assaf.org.za<mailto:ina at assaf.org.za>

[cid:image003.jpg at 01D28DD0.09B11580]

1st Floor Block A, The Woods, 41 De Havilland Crescent, Persequor Park
Meiring Naudé Road, Lynnwood 0020, Pretoria, South Africa.

PO Box 72135, Lynnwood Ridge 0040, Pretoria, South Africa.

Website: www.assaf.org.za<http://www.assaf.org.za/>

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