[IRTalk] FW: Data In Libraries: The Big Picture

Klapwijk, WOUTER <wklap@sun.ac.za> Wklap at sun.ac.za
Tue Mar 29 11:37:23 SAST 2016

The announcement below is for those of you who are perhaps not listening in on some of the IFLA announcement listserv's.


Wouter Klapwijk
Adjunkdirekteur: IT en Digitale Dienste / Deputy Director: IT and Digital Services
Biblioteek- & Inligtingsdiens / Library & Information Service
Universiteit Stellenbosch University | map<https://www.google.co.za/maps/place/JS+Gericke+Library/@-33.932975,18.8640494,377m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x1dcdb25d82940c29:0x80f6dcd585958374> | Tel: +27 21 8084378 |  wklap at sun.ac.za<mailto:wklap at sun.ac.za>

From: Mimi Calter [mailto:mcalter at stanford.edu]
Sent: 28 March 2016 02:47 AM
To: ifla-l at infoserv.inist.fr; bigdata at infoserv.inist.fr; ifla-it at infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [BIGDATA] Data In Libraries: The Big Picture

Registration is now open for
Data In Libraries: The Big Picture<http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/conferences/ifla2016-data-in-libraries/>
a satellite pre-conference to the IFLA 2016 WLIC.

The one-day program will take place on August 10, 2016 and is hosted by the University of Chicago Library.

The modern, digital library has moved beyond its traditional focus on metadata, bibliographic, and authority data, and now manages or works with a broad set of data types, leveraging an ever-expanding set of tools and techniques to do so.  Those new tools also mean that even traditional data logs can be analyzed to improve the services librarians and libraries offer.  The emergence of linked data has simultaneously created a broad spectrum of new use cases for library data.  This conference will draw the "big picture" of library data, examining the full spectrum of library activities, and attempting to assess what is achievable using new data technologies in libraries.

There is no fee to attend this satellite session thanks to generous sponsorship from  EBSCO, OCLC and ExLibris.  However, space is limited to 100 attendees and pre-registration is required.

Learn more and register at http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/conferences/ifla2016-data-in-libraries/

Thank you,
Mimi Calter
Associate University Librarian & Chief of Staff
Stanford University Libraries
101 Green Library
Stanford, CA 94305-6004

office: +1-650-725-5813
cell: +1-650-799-4515
fax: +1-650-725-4902
skypename: mcalter
e-mail: mcalter at stanford.edu<mailto:mcalter at stanford.edu>
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