[IRTalk] Fwd: [EIFL-OA] YouTube videos demonstrating the installation of DSpace.

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 13:15:09 SAST 2016


*Hilton Gibson*
Stellenbosch University Library

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iryna Kuchma <iryna.kuchma at eifl.net>
Date: 15 April 2016 at 13:13
Subject: [EIFL-OA] YouTube videos demonstrating the installation of DSpace.
To: hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Cc: EIFL - Open Access program announcement and discussion list <
eifloa at lists.eifl.net>

Dear all,

In addition to this webinar:
http://eifl.net/resources/webinar-how-install-dspace, Hilton Gibson
(Stellenbosch University, South Africa) has uploaded some videos to YouTube
to demonstrate the installation of DSpace.

See below.

01 - Install Ubuntu server operating system: https://youtu.be/C43R7XS2DlI

02 - Prepare the Ubuntu server operating system for the installation of
DSpace: https://youtu.be/nNc_lUHl2dI

03 - Installation of DSpace onto the prepared Ubuntu server operating
system: https://youtu.be/CyW6j5J3Rzg


Best wishes,


eifloa mailing list - eifloa at lists.eifl.net

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