[Irtalk] Fwd: [dspace-tech] EXTENSION: DSpace User Interface Prototype Challenge has been extended to DECEMBER 4

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 18:59:38 SAST 2015


*Hilton Gibson*
Stellenbosch University Library

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Donohue <tdonohue at duraspace.org>
Date: 27 October 2015 at 18:50
Subject: [dspace-tech] EXTENSION: DSpace User Interface Prototype Challenge
has been extended to DECEMBER 4
To: DSpace Community <dspace-community at googlegroups.com>, DSpace Tech
Support <dspace-tech at googlegroups.com>, DSpace Developers <
dspace-devel at googlegroups.com>

Hello all,

As many of the core DSpace developers have been concentrating their efforts
on upcoming DSpace 5.4 and 6.0 releases (links below), we've decided to
extend the deadline for UI prototype submissions to *Friday, December 4*.
We still ask that you only spend a maximum of 80 hours on your prototype
(full guidelines are included below). You are welcome to submit your
prototype prior to the new deadline, if it is already nearing completion.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Tim Donohue

* DSpace 5.4 (bug fix only) release:
* DSpace 6.0 release status:

On 9/14/2015 5:04 PM, Tim Donohue wrote:

DSpace User Interface Prototype Challenge

Help us discover the technology/platform for our new user interface (UI)
for DSpace!  Create a prototype UI on a platform of your choice (in any
programming language), with basic DSpace-like capabilities as described
below. The goal of a UI prototype is to exercise a new UI
technology/platform to see whether it would meet the needs of our DSpace

   - *Why?* In time for DSpace 7.0 (late 2016), the plan is to develop a
   new (single) UI for DSpace that will replace our aging JSPUI and XMLUI
   interfaces. (See RoadMap
   - *How?* The goal of the "UI Prototype Challenge" is to give everyone a
   chance to show off what you feel may make a great replacement UI framework.
   Have a cool idea for what would make a better DSpace UI? This is your
   chance to show it off in 80 hours or less!  Register your idea on our
   sign-up page
   to find other collaborators.
   - *What?* Prototypes are not meant to be full applications, but more of
   a proof-of-concept (something that proves a new DSpace UI could be built in
   your technology or platform of choice). Prototypes need not be Java
   (any/all languages welcome). Additional guidelines/scope is provided below
   and at
   - *When?* Prototypes / proof-of-concepts are due by *Friday, Dec 4*. At
   that time, all will undergo a public review period. We will work with
   Committers, DCAT, Steering and Leadership Groups to select a "best of
   class" platform to build the new DSpace UI. Even incomplete
   proof-of-concepts are useful to submit, as we are judging the suitability
   of the *platform* and not the flashiness of the prototype itself.
   - *What do I win?* While there are no official prizes (at this time),
   this challenge gives you an excellent opportunity to increase your
   reputation in our DSpace Community. It also provides you and your
   institution with an opportunity to directly influence the path of the
   DSpace UI going forward.
   - Other questions? Ask them on this mailing list, and we'll be glad to
   clarify any of the goals/guidelines of this challenge.

Good luck! The full guidelines / requirements are included below, and are
also available at:



   Prototypes are due by Friday, Dec 4. Please sign up to register your
   (and possibly find collaborators).

   Do not spend more than 80 hours total per prototype!

   Use the REST API or DSpace Java API (v5 or pre-6) when accessing DSpace
   content. Direct database or bitstream file system access is not allowed.

   Use Bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/> or emulate the existing XMLUI
   Mirage2 theme <http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/>. Prototype UI design will
   not be a major factor in the decision, so keep it simple. Focus on
   functionality over fancy UI look and feel.

   Make sure the prototype is “developer friendly”: keep the code readable
   and understandable at this early point. Keep the code DRY (Don’t Repeat
   Yourself), but don’t overdo it.

   Make all code publicly available on Github, along with installation
   instructions. A publicly accessible demo is also nice but not required.

   Documentation may be provided as a GitHub README, or via a publicly
   accessible Wiki page (feel free to use the DSpace Wiki).

   Features that can’t be implemented in 80 hours or features not mentioned
   below may be mocked up or wireframed. But again, please don’t spend more
   than 80 hours.

   NOTE: We will be evaluating the fit of the prototype’s platform and not
   the flashiness or even completeness of the prototype itself. For example,
   an incomplete prototype revealing a lot of potential for the platform may
   be preferable to a complete prototype that reveals platform-level

Prototype Scope

The following features should be implemented or mocked up in all
prototypes. These basic features are meant to exercise some very basic
DSpace UI needs within the selected UI platform/technologies.


   User Interface Layout: The prototype UI should also fulfill these general
   layout requirements:

      The prototype should have a header and a footer.

      The prototype should have something to help an end user keep track of
      their location in the system (e.g., a breadcrumb trail).

      The prototype should have a menu or sidebar that contains
      context-sensitive options.

      The prototype should allow users to go to the main locations in the
      system using a url: the browser history, back, and previous
buttons, should
      all work.

      The prototype should display and function well on screens of all
      sizes (responsive / mobile friendly, not native mobile).

   Simple Item View: The prototype should have an equivalent of a simple
   item view, which displays key metadata about the item, along with links to
   downloadable files.

   Community / Collection View: The prototype should have an equivalent to
   a Community/Collection view page, which displays key metadata about a
   community or collection

   Browse Navigation: The prototype should allow basic browse navigation of
   communities and collections and items.

   Authentication: Users should be able to authenticate themselves via
   simple password authentication.

   Authorization: A very basic example of authorization operations should
   be supported. For example, only allow editing of items to authenticated
   users in the Administrator group.

   Edit/Create Item: The prototype should offer a basic capability to edit
   or create items via a simple web form. (Please no submission workflows as
   that is out of scope!) A single page form can serve both edit and create
   purposes. Not all metadata fields need be included, we are just looking for
   a simple example of a web form, including the ability to upload a file.

Customization Capabilities

A new DSpace UI should allow for the following common UI customization
options. Based on your prototype, please either show an example of how
these may be achieved in this UI platform or describe them via


   Show or describe how an administrator would be able to easily adjust the
   site wide theme layout based on local design/needs. Specifically, show or
   describe how the following changes might be achieved:

      How would someone change the colors, fonts, sizes of the site? (e.g.
      css changes)

      How would someone modify the sitewide header/footer? (e.g. to change
      logo, title, etc)

      How would someone adjust the navigation bar to appear on left or

      How would someone change the location of the breadcrumb trail (e.g.
      from header to footer)?

      How would someone display additional metadata fields on the Item view
      page? For example, displaying “dc.publisher” on the default Item
view site

      How would someone add new links or an entire section to the
      navigation menu (e.g. links to other university pages)?

Modularization Capabilities

A new DSpace UI should allow for / support common modularization needs. Based
on your prototype, please describe (via documentation) how you feel this UI
platform may (or may not) be able to achieve the modularization examples


   How could this UI platform support optional modules/features?

      For example, Embargo is an existing optional feature within DSpace.
      While it is disabled by default, many sites choose to enable it.

      Enabling Embargo functionality requires additional metadata fields to
      be captured in the deposit form (e.g. embargo date, embargo reason).

      Does this UI framework support the idea of easily enabling (or
      disabling) features that require UI-level changes? In other
words, in this
      framework, do you feel enabling Embargo functionality could be automated
      via a configuration (e.g. embargo.enabled=true)? Or would it
require manual
      editing of the deposit form to add additional metadata fields?

   How could this UI platform support new extensions/add-ons?

      Assume that someone has created a new Streaming feature for DSpace
      which provides a streaming capability for Video/Audio content. How might
      this UI platform support overriding/overlaying the default Item View to
      make that streaming feature available?

Prototype Documentation

Each prototype MUST come with the following documentation. Some of this
documentation includes brainstorms on how you feel this prototype or UI
platform might be extended to support more advanced UI features. Please
base your answers on what you know (or have learned) about this UI platform
during the prototyping process.


   Describe the design of the prototype (e.g. technologies/platforms used,
   including version of DSpace, etc.)?

   How do you install the prototype on a new system? (Note: we will be
   testing the installation of prototypes in order to evaluate the
   installation of the platform itself)

   How would you envision i18n (internationalization) support could be
   added to this UI prototype/platform in the future?

   How would you envision theming capabilities could be added to this UI
   prototype/platform in the future? In other words, how might local or
   third-party themes be installed or managed? Think of a theme as a
   collection of styles, fonts, logo, and page overrides.

   How would you envision supporting common DSpace authentication
   mechanisms (e.g. LDAP, Shibboleth) in this UI prototype/platform in the

Out of Scope

The following DSpace features should be considered out-of-scope, and need
NOT be implemented in prototypes. No bonus will be given for implementing
any of these features:


   Search capabilities (especially via Solr)


   Submission or Approval Workflows.

   Administrative UI
   - Any other DSpace features not specifically mentioned in the “Scope”
   section above.

Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
DuraSpace.org | DSpace.org | DSpaceDirect.org

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