[Irtalk] BiblioTech: A Review | Library Babel Fish | InsideHigherEd

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Fri May 8 12:37:58 SAST 2015

*He pokes us to action with lines such as "In a word association game,
'innovation' and 'libraries' do not often come together naturally" and
(quoting someone else) "'cooperation is an unnatural act' for libraries and
librarians."* Ouch. I would like libraries to be more active in promoting
our values and supportive of open source library systems rather than
outsourcing the technology we need to companies that we then complain
about. *I would love to see us play an active role in creating and
supporting platforms for open access scholarship. I think we need to do
more to grow our own tech skills.*

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