[Irtalk] Beyond the Buck: An Expanded Vision for Open Access (Text Version) | actualham

Hilton Gibson hilton.gibson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 10:20:25 SAST 2015

If we diverted even a FRACTION of the sum we currently spend as
institutions of higher learning into building an open access
infrastructure, we could construct a future in which we open our research
to a much wider audience while simultaneously improving the quality of our
work through transparent peer review, collaboration with experts across the
globe, and engagement with transdisciplinary stakeholders.

At my small, public university, we currently spend $522,000.00 PER YEAR on
databases and periodicals, so there is no shortage of money being funneled
towards scholarly publishing; *how can we be more efficient with our funds,
save money for our students and institutions, put control of research back
in the hands of researchers, and improve the quality of our work?  The
answer, I think, is open access.*

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