[Irtalk] Open access in motor industry

Denise Nicholson Denise.Nicholson at wits.ac.za
Wed Jun 18 08:38:14 SAST 2014

Very interesting, Ina.  Some years ago I went to a talk by a Patent official from WIPO at the DTI.  His main message for developing countries was to use patent information and copy patents not registered in one's own country.  This is how Brazil and South Korea have developed their industries.  Korea has excelled in the car and shipping industries by using other's patents that are not registered in Korea.  They of course don't sell to those countries either but it has worked for them.  I asked the guy how come he was promoting this when in all other IP issues we are told not to infringe or copy.  He said patent information was more important for developing countries than patenting itself.



From: Smith, Ina <ismith at sun.ac.za> [mailto:ismith at sun.ac.za]
Sent: 17 June 2014 03:19 PM
To: 'fabteam at lists.lib.sun.ac.za' (fabteam at lists.lib.sun.ac.za); coolcats at lists.lib.sun.ac.za; irtalk at lists.lib.sun.ac.za
Subject: [Irtalk] Open access in motor industry

Dear Colleagues

Just something interesting I picked up - even the motor industry is going open access/open source. Why? Because openness stimulates innovation, and help find solutions to problems - problems we are facing because of a result of restricted access ... Since research was not previously openly accessible, research results were hidden, and so were the consequences .... Open access leads to better educated people, taking better and informed decisions. Previously - under a subscription only model - information was restricted, not allowing the man on the street and industry to become educated and informed about decisions.

This example was given lots of exposure in the media .... Maybe something SA should also investigate doing - opening patents, following an investigation first?

Tesla Motors: Please infringe on our patents for the greater good

"In a nutshell, I think that Elon has set a great example for the rest of the industry and everyone should follow," Vivek Wadhwa, a fellow at Stanford University's Rock Center for Corporate Governance, told VentureBeat.

"Patents have become a destructive force - they are line nuclear weapons and no one wins. In fast growing technologies such as software and hardware sensors - which form the basis of much of today's tech revolution - the best defense is speed to market and rapid evolution. Patents cause companies to stay put and defend existing turf - they take away from innovation. They need to be abolished completely, but in the meantime, it is best for technology companies to declare a truce as Elon just did, and then disarm."

Kind regards

Ina Smith
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