[Irtalk] FW: Widespread support for Lyon Declaration Update
Ina Smith
Ina at assaf.org.za
Wed Dec 3 12:37:44 SAST 2014
Dear Colleagues
Please consider to become a signatory. Both LIASA and the Stellenbosch University (there might also be other SA institutions) have already signed.
Kind regards
From: liasaonline-bounces at hetz.octoplus.co.za [mailto:liasaonline-bounces at hetz.octoplus.co.za] On Behalf Of Nhlapo, Lindi
Sent: 03 December 2014 07:15 AM
To: 'sabinet-sabinews at googlegroups.com'; 'liasaonline at list.liasa.org.za'
Subject: Re: [Liasaonline] Widespread support for Lyon Declaration Update
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Dear all,
At the start of December, we are proud to announce that over 450 organisations have signed the Lyon Declaration<http://www.lyondeclaration.org/> and actively help our work to ensure access to information is reflected in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. Of those organisations about 73% are from the library community and we are very happy to see such a wide and enthusiastic uptake of the Lyon Declaration across the community. The remaining 27% are from outside the library sector which shows broad support for access to information from a wide range of sectors.
What are the next steps?
IFLA and all other organisations and member states involved in the UN post-2015 Development Agenda are currently waiting for the synthesis report of the Secretary General. This report will outline the priorities and main goals of the Development Agenda.
Once this is published, IFLA will provide an analysis of the report, mapping it against our goals across the Development Agenda (these include: access to information, culture, education and ICTs). Some of the IFLA professional sections provided us with very useful briefs which outlined the need of the goals of the Lyon Declaration for their profession. These briefs will help us further to respond to the synthesis report and to promote access to information.
What can you do to help?
* You can organise meetings with policy makers in your country and use the toolkit<http://www.ifla.org/libraries-development/toolkit> provided by IFLA in order to make the library voice heard on a national level.
* You can sign the Lyon Declaration<http://www.lyondeclaration.org/about/> and add your voice to the call at the United Nations.
* You can translate the Lyon Declaration into your language and share it with colleagues in your own country.
* You can encourage others in the library and development sectors to sign the Lyon Declaration.
* You can promote the principles of the Lyon Declaration throughout your network and ensure that the message gets spread as widely as possible.
The Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development calls upon United Nations Member States to make an international commitment through the post-2015 development agenda to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use and share the information that is necessary to promote sustainable development and democratic societies. It was prepared by IFLA and a number of strategic partners in the library and development communities.
Please also see the webversion<http://www.ifla.org/node/9241>.
Julia Brungs
Policy and Projects Officer
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
Phone: 0031703140884
Email: Julia.brungs at ifla.org<mailto:Julia.brungs at ifla.org>
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