[Irtalk] FW: [SAOUG] Advertisement: Manager: UP Digital Open Scholarship Programme

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Tue Mar 19 11:50:16 SAST 2013

From: saoug at googlegroups.com [saoug at googlegroups.com] on behalf of Heila Pienaar [Heila.Pienaar at up.ac.za]
Sent: 19 March 2013 11:47 AM
To: mit2013digrepandeEnvir at googlegroups.com; saoug at googlegroups.com
Subject: [SAOUG] Advertisement: Manager: UP Digital Open Scholarship Programme

The following vacancy was advertised in the news papers. / Die volgende
vakature is in die koerante geadverteer .


(Scroll down for Afrikaans)

In the pursuit of the ideals of excellence and diversity, the
University of Pretoria wishes to invite applications for the above

The University of Pretoria's commitment to quality makes us one of the
top research Universities in the country and gives us a competitive
advantage in international science and technology development.


The UP Digital Open Scholarship Manager is responsible for managing the
UP Digital Open Scholarship programme with the view of preserving the
official knowledge products of UP research and ensuring access to the
national and international (research) community.

This will entail:

● Managing and co-ordinating the UP Digital Open Scholarship
programme including UP research outputs, e.g. theses / dissertations and
research papers;
● Training, client service and marketing;
● Interfacing with key role players;
● Developing new initiatives in the open scholarship environment.


● A relevant honours degree in e.g. Information Science, Library
● Five years’ library or other suitable experience in a university;

● Insight into the information / knowledge, publishing and research
● Excellent knowledge of the research process;
● Advanced computer skills, e.g. MS suite, Web 2 tools.


● A relevant master’s degree;
● Experience of the information environment of teaching, learning and
● Experience in the management of a digital open scholarship
● Professional and knowledge network;
● Project management skills.

The total remuneration package for this position ranges from
approximately R356 086 to R438 911 as determined by UP policy
guidelines. (These amounts include the University’s contributions to
standard UP benefits namely provident fund, group life and funeral
cover, but exclude contributions to medical aid, as the latter varies
per employee.) UP subscribes to the BESTMED medical aid scheme and
contributes 50% of the applicable monthly premium.

Applicants are requested to apply online quoting the applicable
reference number.

In applying for this post, please attach:

● A comprehensive CV;
● Names, e-mail addresses and telephone details of three referees
whom we have permission to contact.

CLOSING DATE:  2 April 2013

No application will be considered after the closing date, or if it does
not comply with at least the minimum requirements.

ENQUIRIES: Dr Heila Pienaar, Tel: (012) 420 2020

Should you not hear from the University of Pretoria by 31 May 2013,
please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.

The University of Pretoria is committed to equality, employment equity
and diversity.

In accordance with the Employment Equity Plan of the University and its
Employment Equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not
limited to candidates from under-represented designated groups.

All candidates who comply with the requirements for appointment are
invited to apply.

The University of Pretoria reserves the right not to make an
appointment to the posts as advertised.

(Afrikaanse weergawe)


In die nastrewing van die ideale van uitnemendheid en diversiteit, word
aansoeke vir die bogenoemde pos ingewag.

Die Universiteit van Pretoria se verbintenis tot kwaliteit maak ons een
van die top navorsingsuniversiteite in die land en gee ons ‘n
mededingende voordeel in internasionale wetenskap- en


Die UP Elektronie
se Oop Navorsingskommunikasieprogrambestuurder is
verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van die UP Elektroniese Oop
Navorsingskommunikasieprogram met die oog op die bewaring van die
amptelike kennisprodukte van UP-navorsing en om toegang tot die
nasionale en internasionale (navorsing) gemeenskap te verseker.

Dit sal insluit:

● Die bestuur en koördinering van die UP Elektroniese Oop
Navorsingskommunikasieprogram, insluitend UP-navorsingsuitsette, bv.
tesisse / proefskrifte en navorsingsartikels;
● Opleiding, kliëntediens en bemarking;
● Skakeling met sleutelrolspelers;
● Ontwikkeling van nuwe inisiatiewe in die oop


● ‘n Toepaslike honneursgraad in bv. Inligtingkunde,
● Vyf jaar biblioteekervaring of ander toepaslike ervaring in 'n
● Insig in die inligting / kennis, uitgewers- en navorsingsomgewings;

● Uitstekende kennis van die navorsingsproses;
● Gevorderde rekenaarvaardighede, bv. MS suite, Web 2 toepassings.


● ‘n Toepaslike magistergraad;
● Ervaring in die inligtingsomgewing van onderrig, leer en navorsing;

● Ervaring in die bestuur van ʼn elektroniese oop
● Professionele en kennis netwerk;
● Projekbestuurvaardighede.

Volgens UP-beleid en -riglyne wissel die jaarlikse vergoedingspakket
vir hierdie pos tussen ongeveer R356 086 tot R438 911. (Hierdie bedrae
sluit die Universiteit se bydrae tot standaard UP-voordele in, naamlik
voorsorgfonds en groeplewensversekering asook begrafnisdekking, maar
sluit nie mediesefonds bydraes in nie, aangesien dit per personneellid
verskil.) UP onderskryf die BESTMED mediese skema en dra 50% van die
toepaslike maandelikse paaiement by.

Aansoekers word versoek om elektronies aansoek te doen met vermelding
van die toepaslike verwysingsnommer.

Om aansoek te doen vir hierdie pos, heg asseblief aan:

● ‘n Omvattende CV;
● Die name, e-pos- en telefoonbesonderhede van drie referente wie ons
mag kontak.


Geen aansoek sal oorweeg word as dit na die sluitingsdatum ontvang word
nie, of as dit nie ten minste aan die minimum posvereistes voldoen nie.

NAVRAE: Dr Heila Pienaar, Tel: (012) 420 2020

Indien daar nie teen 31 May 2013 met u in verbinding getree is nie,
aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Die Universiteit van Pretoria is verbind tot gelykheid, billike
diensbetrekkinge en diversiteit.

Ooreenkomstig die Gelyke Indiensnemingsplan van die Universiteit en die
doelwitte en teikens wat daarin vervat is, mag voorkeur gegee word aan
kandidate uit onderverteenwoordigde aangewese groepe maar word nie tot
sulke kandidate beperk nie.

Alle kandidate wat aan die aanstellingsvereistes voldoen word uitgenooi
om aansoek te doen.

Die Universiteit van Pretoria behou die reg voor om nie 'n aanstelling
in die pos soos geadverteer te maak nie.

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E-pos vrywaringsklousule Hierdie e-pos mag vertroulike inligting bevat en mag regtens geprivilegeerd wees en is slegs bedoel vir die persoon aan wie dit geadresseer is. Indien u nie die bedoelde ontvanger is nie, word u hiermee in kennis gestel dat u hierdie dokument geensins mag gebruik, versprei of kopieer nie. Stel ook asseblief die sender onmiddellik per telefoon in kennis en vee die e-pos uit. Die Universiteit aanvaar nie aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade, verlies of uitgawe wat voortspruit uit hierdie e-pos en/of die oopmaak van enige lêers aangeheg by hierdie e-pos nie. E-mail disclaimer This e-mail may contain confidential information and may be legally privileged and is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that you may not use, distribute or copy this document in any manner whatsoever. Kindly also notify the sender immediately by telephone, and delete the e-mail. The University does not accept liability for any damage, loss or expense arising from this e-mail and/or accessing any files attached to this e-mail.
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