[Irtalk] FW: [EIFL-OA] Altmetrics in libraries and institutional repositories

Smith, Ina <ismith@sun.ac.za> ismith at sun.ac.za
Thu Jan 24 16:14:45 SAST 2013

From: eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net [mailto:eifloa-bounces at lists.eifl.net] On Behalf Of Iryna Kuchma
Sent: 24 January 2013 15:50
To: eifloa
Subject: [EIFL-OA] Altmetrics in libraries and institutional repositories

Librarians and repositories managers might be interested in this blog post: Altmetrics in libraries and institutional repositories: http://altmetric.com/blog/altmetrics-in-academic-libraries-and-institutional-repositories/

Explorer access - free for individual librarians
If you're a librarian at an academic institution we'd love for you to sign up for a free librarian account for the Altmetric Explorer<http://altmetric.com/aboutexplorer.php>, our analysis and discovery tool. Poke around, check out the data, set up some reports, use it to help patrons... and keep it for as long as you like.

Just drop us a line at support at altmetric.com<mailto:support at altmetric.com> using your institutional email address and we'll get you set up with a login and a quick demo, if desired.

Free institutional repository support

It's free to use our badges or API (the latter with some third party licensing related limitations) on institutional repositories as long as they're open to the public. You'll be using the same back-end system as Nature Publishing Group, Cambridge University Press and BioMed Central amongst others, so it's fast, scalable and well supported.

Here's an example<http://altmetric.com/details.php?citation_id=1164390> of the kind of data we collect about articles.

We think adding Altmetric to repositories is a pretty cool proposition. Authors who upload their papers to the repository get a unified view of how much attention their work has been getting (the Altmetric data reflects the published version as well as the deposited one) as well as links out to the conversations about their work; combine the badges with a couple of API calls and you can show which papers from your institution have been in the media recently or are proving particularly popular online.

There are few limitations you'll need to bear in mind:

  *   You'll need to tell us your domain e.g. myrepo.university.edu<http://myrepo.university.edu> before we can start tracking links to your repository. Otherwise the badges will still work, they'll just only reflect attention paid to the published versions of items.
  *   Right now we can only track items with a DOI, handle or other recognized scholarly identifier (SSRN, arXiv, RePEc and PubMed IDs are all OK too). Though we're looking at supporting items identified by URL alone this is a little while off.
  *   We started collecting data in July 2011 and coverage of papers published before that date isn't great, so be prepared to only really see results on more recent material.
  *   We can't offer citation counts: as much as we'd like to unfortunately if you want to include this data you need to negotiate with Scopus and/or Web of Science separately, we aren't able to do this on your behalf.

To get started check out the documentation at api.altmetric.com<http://api.altmetric.com/>. Let us know when you've got something working; we're happy to add custom messages or branding to the metrics details pages or give you advice on how to best use the API.


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