[Irtalk] Open Access and Research Conference, held in Brisbane from 31 October to 1 November 2013

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Thu Apr 18 12:34:40 SAST 2013

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is hosting the Open Access and Research Conference 2103 ( http://www.oar2013.qut.edu.au/ ), held in Brisbane from 31 October to 1 November. 
This event will provide a vibrant platform for discussion about recent advances in Open Access and scholarly communication practices globally. The comprehensive program explores these developments as part of a two-fold approach, comprising:
1.      International 'round-ups' - covering the breadth of recent international initiatives. This includes speakers from the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia. 
2.      Thematic sessions - focusing on specific areas of research and information management necessary to the advancement of Open Access. Such topics include advocacy, alternative metrics, data management and open innovation. 
There is also a choice of pre-conference workshops ( http://www.oar2013.qut.edu.au/program/workshops.jsp ) on the topics of advocacy, open data and open access publishing of books, to be held on Wednesday 30 October. 
Overall, the conference provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress of Open Access and to consider the strategic advantages these developments bring to the research sector moving forward. 
Further details about this event are in this program ( http://www.oar2013.qut.edu.au/program/ ).
Kind regards
Elsabe Olivier 
Assistant Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance
Department Library Services
Office 4.10.1
University of Pretoria
PO Box 12411
Hatfield, PRETORIA
South Africa

Tel.: + 27 12 420 3719
Fax: +27 12 362 5182
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier

Twitter: elsabeolivier
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