[Irtalk] Reminder: ETD 2013 Hong Kong - Call for papers

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Thu Apr 4 15:01:51 SAST 2013

The Program Committee of the 16th International Symposium on Electronic
Theses and Dissertations, ETD 2013, invites you to submit your proposals
for papers and posters.
Under the theme “Asian Values, Western Thought, World Treasure”, the
16th ETD symposium will explore relations between ETDs and Open Access,
with many examples and speakers from Asia and the West. We invite you to
submit proposals that address the following or related sub-themes:
Open Access; using ETDs to forge an institutional culture of open
Intellectual property, e.g. issues to consider with respect to IP and
copyright, other potential legal options such as Creative Commons, how
your institution deals with copyright and ETDs
Institutional repositories and ETDs, e.g., what role ETDs play in
repositories, can institutional repositories influence the development
of ETDs; your institutional experience implementing an institutional
repository for ETDs
Integrating ETDs into the total research picture; their role in
e-research and e-science
Integrating ETDs in national and international services (syndication,
OAI-PMH, discovery services, syntactic and semantic interoperability)
Integrating ETDs into local services (student portals, educational
portals and platforms, institutional repositories, current research
information systems (CRIS), etc.
Technical issues related to ETD implementation
Tutorials for beginners

 The deadline is April 15, 2013. For complete details visit the ETD
2013 Call for Papers Web Page (
http://lib.hku.hk/etd2013/call_for_papers.html ).
Elsabe Olivier 
Assistant Director: Marketing & Quality Assurance
Department Library Services
Office 4.10.1
University of Pretoria
PO Box 12411
Hatfield, PRETORIA
South Africa

Tel.: + 27 12 420 3719
Fax: +27 12 362 5182
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier

Twitter: elsabeolivier
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