[Irtalk] ETD under attack

Elsabe Olivier Elsabe.Olivier at up.ac.za
Wed Sep 26 21:17:43 SAST 2012

Dear Allison

The University of Pretoria's Open Scholarship Office has compiled a submission form which is signed jointly by the student and supervisor which clearly indicates the access option (worldwide, campus-wide, 2 year embargo or total embargo) of the thesis/dissertation. We adhere to these conditions and especially the Faculty of Natural Sciences place most of their items under embargo for the reason you stated below. Most supervisors allow the change in access after the 2 year embargo period during which the articles are published. The other faculties are usually very happy to oblige and mostly choose worldwide access for their ETDs.

At the recent ETD2012 conference the NDLTD Prior Publications Working Group reported their preliminary findings on this topic titled "Do Open Access ETDs Affect Publishing Opportunities in the Sciences?" which I attach for your use. 

According to the preliminary findings (the final report will only be published much later), only a very small percentage of Science publishers will under no circumstances accept an ETD submission. The Working Group's advice is (see slide 25) that 90% of Science editors will accept ETDs.

I hope this will assist you in your efforts?

Kind regards

Elsabe Olivier 
Open Scholarship Manager
Department Library Services
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Tel.: + 27 + 12 + 420 3719
Fax: +27 12 362 5100
E-mail: elsabe.olivier at up.ac.za
Skype: elsabe.olivier
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>>> "Allison Fullard" 09/26/12 4:20 PM >>>
Dear colleagues
How do you manage "scare talk" from University executives who express displeasure that full texts of theses appear online "before supervisors have protected the IP" or before the authors "have published in high impact factor journals"?

1. UWC has a process for supervisors to work with the Office of Technology Transfer who advises us to embargo specific theses.
2. There is an operational time-lag of around a year before the theses are available online in our ETD.

My sense is to remind them that NRF is behind the NETD project and that South Africa is in step with international practice in knowledge management.

What do publishers think about articles that have been derived from content that has previously been available online? I recall there was a paper at 2011 ETD conference about publishers' stance on such articles. 

I'd be most interested to learn of practices at other institutions where students plan to publish out of a thesis and therefore do not want to submit to ETD. 

Thanks in advance

Allison Fullard
Deputy Director: Library Services
University of the Western Cape
Ph: 27-(0)21 959-2923 
Fax: 27-(0)21 959-2659

Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535
South Africa

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